Your Intuition Will Never You Make Afraid
Fear has a sneaky way of disguising itself as intuition
Intuition is a sudden and unexplainable feeling that arises within us. Also referred to as an instinct, sixth sense, inkling, hunch, or gut feeling, it is the mysterious energy that guides, protects, and informs us. It comes from the Latin word intueri, which means to contemplate or to look within.
Intuition is an inner knowing that goes beyond conscious reasoning. It emerges as a quiet inner voice or feeling that tells us to do something, take a chance, go down a path or accept an opportunity. It tells us when to quit a job, leave a relationship, or start a business. It tells us to stay home instead of going out. It tells us to take a different route to work and it can help us interpret dreams and other things. It tells us to be careful of certain people, places, and things. It tells us to go see a doctor, to open a page of a book, to turn on the TV or radio at a specific time. Mothers use their intuition to figure out what’s wrong with their babies.
Intuition puts us in touch with our instinctive defense systems, helping us to avoid harm. It tells us what not to do, what to be careful of, when to be vigilant, and when to stop. Many scientists and researchers are now referring to…