Steven Bancarz, From New Age To Jesus

Jesus is the only way to Salvation.

Charlene Fate
Mystic Spirituality
3 min readJan 1, 2019


“A study was published by the Pew Research Center which found that 61% of professing Christians believe in either reincarnation, astrology, psychics, or that spiritual energy exists in material things. Six-in-ten hold New Age beliefs, and they only tested for four beliefs. This is not just a “problem” in our church anymore this has become a theological crisis.”- Steven Bancarz

Steven Bancarz was a very successful New Age blogger who has found Jesus. He co-wrote The Second Coming of The New Age with Josh Peck to warn people about the deception of New Age Spirituality that is currently seeping into Christianity. His story is powerful and inspiring. Anyone that has dabbled in New Age Spirituality knows that something isn’t quite right.

My own experience exploded when I started listening to Abraham Hicks. I listened to her videos at night before I went to bed. These types of influences open the door to things that are dark and not of God. Activities like meditating and yoga seem innocent but they are actions that allow New Age thinking to enter one’s life. There are many teachings under the New Age umbrella and different beliefs can blur the lines for religions.

Many will not listen because New Age Spirituality feels good. It teaches that you can do whatever feels good without having to answer to anyone. We seek the advice of psychics and mediums because they are telling us things that are true and much of the time believe they are helping people. They do not understand they are being used to lure people away from Christianity.

Steven Bancarz points out the ways that New Age doctrine is seeping into the Christian church. He brings to light that people that we follow and respect such as Joel Osteen and Oprah Winfrey are bringing New Age doctrine into the church and Christians are merging these beliefs with Christianity. I do not believe they know that they are being used as vehicles that are steering Christians down the wrong path. This is really eye-opening and I am still trying to wake up out of the New Age fog. I am currently reading Bancarz’s book The Second Coming of the New Age: The Hidden Dangers of Alternative Spirituality in Contemporary America and Its Churches.

If you are a sinner, do not repent, and do not accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior you are going to hell. To even mention hell and sin is considered “negative talk” and people will tune out and not even entertain the notion because we want to feel good now. Ignoring anything that is negative is the cult chain that handcuffs people to the New Age movement. Close your eyes and ears to anything you perceive as negative and is not making you feel happy. In other words, stay blind and ignore the truth.

Timothy 4:1 Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. 2 These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead.”

Author’s personal photo

