A Cheerful Giver

Maynard Originals
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2012

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed. ~ Maya Angelou ~

“God loves a cheerful giver.” Once a Christian decides to give, he should do so cheerfully, or with joy, says apostle Paul. Happiness is a by-product of giving that is properly motivated. (Acts 20:35) The cheerful giver can hardly hide his joy. The term “cheerful” could very well describe both the inward feeling and the outward expression of the giver. A cheerful giver touches our heart. He also warms God’s heart. Another translation says: “God loves people who love to give.”

When you give a gift to someone, you are showing the person that you’ve thought about them, and you took the time to discover their likes and needs. And when you get a gift, let the person know you are grateful for it. Our friends make our life better and make us happier, they spread cheer, and have the ability to increase our happiness.

Cheerful people are usually nice people. They are well-liked and pleasant to be around. They are respectful and considerate. Cheerful people create a social climate that puts everyone else at ease. These people are not overly concerned with dominating, yet they tend to come out on top.

When we give or accept anything with compassion and cheerfulness, it gives us a great memory to be treasured. And the greatest part of a gift is the blessing at the end of the gift. If either party has compassion and cheerfulness in their heart, it usually passes on to the other person as well, which is a blessing. And if they both feel the same happiness, all who see it or participate in it will remember it for a long time. We should all have cheerfulness in giving, and make a practice of accepting with a grateful heart.

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