Angels Can Heal a Broken Heart

Maynard Originals
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2016

A house call from an angel can heal a broken heart.

You may not always understand the spiritual reason for what has happened in your life. You may fully believe that “everything happens for a reason” and yet, that reason may elude you. At this time, you can call upon your angels to help you understand and give you the strength to move forward in a positive way.

“Never become a slave or captive to any person, substance, or situation. Be a willing servant. Give freely from a willing heart. In this way, you ensure freedom from the ensnarement of resentment, which builds up like plaque around the fond heart and extinguishes rapture. Give freely to your love, without regard for reward or consequences, but simply motivated by the pure pleasure that comes from giving … and that is its own reward.” ~ Doreen Virtue, Archangels and Ascended Masters ~

If we need to be healed, all we have to do is ask our Guardian Angel for help. Our requests will be channeled to the healing angels. Healing can be small or it can be huge. It can be for friends, family or for ourselves. The healing will happen, not necessarily in the way we request, but in the way that is best for us.

Archangel Raphael is the angel of healing. Pray to him and listen for his guidance. Be in tune to receive his communication. Explain to him what you need help with and put it in his hands. Let him choose how to help you and the method used for you to receive Divine Grace. Believe that Archangel Raphael is with you and working on your healing request. Open your heart to healing and be aware of nature and you will receive your guidance.

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