Aquarius April 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2018

Aquarius April 2018 Horoscope

Aquarius April 2018 Horoscope: Get ready for a peaceful and positive month, Aquarius. In between two hectic months of March and May, you will have a time to relax and to set the stage for months to come.

Astrology and The Easter Tree

Aquarius April 2018 Horoscope: Mercury Turns Direct

The Mercury retrograde ends on April 15th, as Mercury will turn direct again. Finally, you can get back to all of those important decisions that you have been putting off. Now is the time to count your blessings. Make lists of all of the things that you are thankful for. If you have incorporated things like meditation to deal with the retro, make them a part of your every day routine.

Aquarius April 2018 Horoscope: New Moon

Also on April 15, there is a new moon in Aries. This is close to Uranus, so a new opportunity for a new creative project could come out of nowhere. Keep your eyes and ears open for all possibilities to start some new endeavor.

Saturn will turn retrograde in Capricorn on April 17th, and will be doing so until September 6th. What a wonderful retro this is going to be, as your conscience mind turns inward. Your spiritual yearnings will be elevated, and you will be craving more knowledge and insight into the more mystical elements of the universe. You will have great clarity and a desire to learn more about how your soul fits into the greater scheme of things.

Aquarius April 2018 Horoscope: Venus Transit

Venus transits Gemini from April 24th until May 19th. Great joy is going to be associated with this transit. Your creative side is blooming and your romantic side is bursting. Take time to alter your priorities so that you can spend more time and energy on your romantic partners and creative projects.

On April 29th there is a full moon in Scorpio. This full moon is all about your career, and be ready for some major news that will be very positive. Make sure to keep your eyes and ears open, as sometimes opportunities can go unnoticed if you don’t have an open mind.

Aquarius April 2018 Horoscope: Words of Wisdom

he only thing that keeps a man going is energy. And what is energy but liking life?

