Aquarius Monthly Horoscope — Page 2

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2017

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope — October 2017

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Venus moves through Libra between October 17th and November 7th and what a wonderful boost to join in with the Jupiter transit. While Jupiter is pushing for expansion, Venus is going to be lighting the flame of inspiration for travel, creative endeavors and romance.

This is a short transit, but one you should take full advantage of. Even if this just means venturing forth to nearby events and locations that get you out of your day to day activity, you will find great joy in exploring with people you care about. Venus is a strong power of your love life, obviously, and also your artistic side, and you could feel the need to feed your creative side with a new project.

Your artistic side is operating at full potential right now, and because you are going to be very concerned with work for the next year, take this time to indulge that artistic side of your personality.

Mercury will join Jupiter in Scorpio on October 17 and will be there until November 5th. It is a time where you will be overcome with a need to explore the greater Universe and your role in it.

Are there some areas of study such as mysticism, the afterlife, the paranormal world, or other spiritual topics that you would like to learn more about? Now is the time, as you are drawn out of your daily world into the spirit world.

This Mercury transit is short but powerful. It is the perfect time for you to take this area of study to the next level and consult a mystic or psychic. It is a wonderful time, so indulge your spiritual side.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope — New Moon

On October 19th, there is a new moon in Libra, and it is going to shine the light on several areas of your life. It is a time of opportunity and you will need to watch for the signs and pounce on the possibilities. Good fortune is coming your way in terms of a creative idea that you put forward, and it finally has come to fruition!

Mars joins Venus in Libra on October 22nd, and they travel in tandem until November 7th. Mars will remain in Libra until December 9th. Here you have a time where any relationship that you are in will be extra stimulating, so take advantage!

Aquarius “Words of Wisdom” October 2017 Horoscope

Many of us have a difficult time accepting compliments because deep down we don’t believe we deserve them. When we aren’t willing to receive praise, it’s because our self-esteem is flagging. Start being receptive. Every time someone pays you a compliment, accept it. Become abundant with your compliments to others. Cultivate the habit of giving at least one compliment a day to another human being, as well as to yourself. It will make everyone feel good.

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