ASTROLOGY in the New Age

Maynard Originals
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2016

Astrology is the belief that the orientation of the planets at the time of one’s birth, and the location of that birth, help mold the individual’s future and personality. Belief in astrology is common amongst New Agers, but definitely not limited to them.

The term New Age actually comes from astrology. The zodiac, which originated in ancient Babylon, is a wheel of twelve signs, mirroring the constellations found on the path of the sun in the sky. Each sign represents both a period of the year and an age in history. The New Age movement teaches that we are moving into an age of enlightenment. In the Age of Enlightenment, we are to experience a new birth and are initiated into a higher state of consciousness. New Age believers are now ready to develop new potentials within themselves. They believe in the ability to heal oneself and others with psychic powers, they believe in a new understanding of the workings of the universe, and the belief of karma, where there is a cause and effect to every action. Within this New Age, a major spiritual, physical, psychological and cultural planet-wide transformation is now taking place.

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