Cancer February 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2018

Cancer February 2018 Horoscope

Cancer February 2018 Horoscope: Rejoice and reflect on how 2018 so far has transpired. It has been on a placid path and without too much negative influence from the planets. The start of 2017, on the other hand, had a Mercury retrograde, but so far, things have been going along fairly smoothly.

February 2018 will bring much of the same for you, Gemini, in terms of quiet and tranquility. In fact, February will be one of the most uneventful months astrologically, all year.

Cancer February 2018 Horoscope: Valentine’s Day

One cannot think of February without looking ahead to that holiday in the middle of the month, that some love and some cannot suffer. Yes, we are talking about Valentine’s Day. For some, this is a day to refocus your attention on that someone special in your life. For others, it is just a commercial “Hallmark Holiday” that is made up to make money for the flower and chocolate companies! Whatever your view, there is an astrological event around the holiday that will offer up plenty of influence- a solar eclipse.

Love and Romance Affirmations:

Love surrounds me, I completely open my heart to receiving love

I create my reality and by giving love unconditionally, I receive love

Every day the Universe sends love to me and every day I am worthy of receiving an abundance of love

My natural loving nature attracts love to me like a magnet

I love myself, I fully accept myself for the unique person I am and I am grateful for all the love I have in my life

By releasing my love into the universe I will attract the ideal partner and create a happy, loving relationship filled with abundance

Cancer February 2018 Horoscope: Solar Eclipse

The solar eclipse this February falls on February 15th, the day after the romance holiday. This solar eclipse falls in Aquarius, and for Gemini that means some opportunity for those that work around you, or even a beneficial outcome regarding one of your standard expenses.

Solar eclipses shine the light on issues that are lingering beneath the surface, and often cause stress. But for you, during this month’s eclipse, it is a clarification and a readjustment in the positive. That is why there is the potential benefit for those you work with or a savings on an expense — something that is off gets corrected in the positive and it appears to be a windfall, but is in face, a deserved correction.

This solar eclipse also could mean that you have a drive to feed your spiritual curiosities. Perhaps get a new book on some spiritual or mystical topic and satisfy that craving to learn more about the greater universe.

Cancer February 2018 Horoscope: Venus Transit

Venus enters Pisces on February 10th, and this transit is going to last until March 6th. What a wondrous transit this is for you, and you will have an increased zest for life. You are more intuitive and thoughtful and people are definitely drawn to that. It is a great time to start a new romance and dive into a new artistic project.

A Must Read: Valentine’s Day 2018 Astrology

Cancer February 2018 Horoscope: Mercury Joins Venus

Mercury will join Venus on February 18th, and along with Pisces you are entering into a several week time period where your creative and romantic urges are on fire. This process started on the 10th, but now that Mercury has joined the party, it is like throwing fuel on the fire. You simply cannot hold back your artistic side, and you are yearning to enhance your love life, or to start a new romantic adventure.

Cancer “Words of Wisdom” February, 2018

Do you want to know how to get what you want? You’ve just got to keep what you want in view and go for it and never let your eyes wander to the right or left or up or down. And looking back is fatal.

