Maynard Originals
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2012

He that saves something today will have something tomorrow. Dine with a stranger but save your love for your family. A person who misses a chance and the monkey who misses its branch, both cannot be saved. He who controls his tongue, saves his head. He who works has much, he who saves, still more. Save money and money will save you.

“Saving requires us to not get things now so that we can get bigger ones later.” — Jean Chatzky

The need for instant gratification is real and it gets a lot of people in hot water. People with spending problems unknowingly rob themselves of the opportunity to acquire better things in the future. Think about it. You can’t buy a home without a down payment, and you can’t save a down payment unless you’re willing to curb your spending and make sacrifices. So whenever you feel the urge to spend, think about your future plans and decide whether the purchase is worth delaying your goal.

Saving Tips: Save three coins and the fourth one will fall into your lap. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your hair in order to save your head. To save one man is like saving the world. Whatever you save, is also earned. What you save is later like something found.

From saving comes having. Join us at as we take our journey to wellness.

