Gemini January 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2017

Gemini January 2018 Horoscope

Gemini January 2018: We have a much better launch to the new calendar year in 2018 than we did in 2017 for you, Gemini! Last year started with Mercury retrograde, but the only real challenge that will be in front of you this month will be a lunar eclipse, and that won’t occur until the 31st, and we will get to that later.

Now that we are starting the new calendar year, it is very important to take a look back and let’s review priorities, and what changes that need to be made for the next year.

Gemini January 2018 Horoscope Meditation

To start, we recommend the meditation below, that will help start you off with a sense of renewal and hope. Find a place where you can be uninterrupted and say it out loud as many times as you need until it full seeps in deeply into your subconscious. Let it roll over your tongue until the words become a part of your mind and soul. Experience the renewal that it brings and now you are ready to dive into 2018!

I am totally committed to realizing my goals this coming year and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make 2018 the best year yet! I can clearly see myself living my dream and can easily envision myself being happy and successful. I will dedicate at least ten minutes of every day to improve my health and fitness. I dedicate every evening of 2018 to showing gratitude for all the wonderful things in my life.

Every end becomes a new beginning. Take a moment to decide how you wish your new year to unfold. The beginning of a new year brings an open door for reinventing yourself. If we move with the events of life, holding onto our memories but letting go of the past, and plan for the future but meet openly whatever arises, we discover that our life is more vibrant and free than anything we imagined.

When we’re in a new situation, at the beginning of a new year, or in a new state of mind, it’s natural to make resolutions. But in those resolutions are we staying true to ourselves or trying to be someone different? When we embark upon a new year, a new beginning, we are calling upon ourselves to be the best we can be. Friendships can be very important to new beginnings. They may help us in our transition or they may help encourage us to awaken our dreams. Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new and exciting direction.

Gemini January 2018 Horoscope Super Full Moon

To start off 2018, there is a Super Full Moon in Cancer on January 1st and this year starts off with new opportunities, possibly related to finances or a deal that you have been working on. The end of last year wraps up very conveniently with this full moon, so keep your eyes and ears open for the opportunities to finalize important monetary and business deals.

Mercury enters Capricorn on January 11th, and will be there until January 31st. This is going to have your attention firmly on money and your career. While most of us try to put money out of our head, during this time your eyes are staring directly at your finances. How much are you bringing in each month? Where are the expenses going? How can you bring in more and spend less. What about new income possibilities?

It is not the way you want to live your life throughout the entire year, but having transits like this really help shine the light on very important aspects of your lives.

Gemini January 2018 Horoscope New Moon

There is a new moon in Capricorn on January 16, and we are again back to your finances and your professional life. Around this day, you will need to be on full alert. There will be opportunities with money and your work life, and you need to be aware of them and not miss out.

Venus transits Aquarius from January 17th until February 10, and travels with Mercury for most of that transit. This is an exciting time for you, as you take a long, hard look at aspects of your life that are above and beyond your everyday life. Your spirituality, your morals and beliefs, all become front and center and you truly enjoy making these parts of your life important again.

Also, during this transit a new romance could very well be in the works. Keep your attitude positive, and the positive will come into your life.

Gemini January 2018 Horoscope Mars in Sagittarius

Mars transits Sagittarius from January 26th to March 17th. You become the workhorse that is flying through to-do lists and knocking down goals that you have set for yourself. Every aspect of your life is touched by this renewed energy and let if flow through you. Whatever you put as a priority in your life, whether it is your romantic life, your social life, family, work, etc., that will get the most attention from this increased energy, so pay attention to what is important to you.

Finally, there is a lunar eclipse in Leo on January 31st. This eclipse has the potential to create chaos with those close to you, but not necessarily the people most close to you. Make sure you have your defenses up, meaning that you won’t allow a little drama to get blown out of proportion.

Gemini “Words of Wisdom” January, 2018

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today, you can do it again, tomorrow.

