Gemini March 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2018

Gemini March 2018 Horoscope

Gemini March 2018 Horoscope: Get ready for a fast-paced March, which will be quite a change from astrologically slow February! Most of the influences this month are going to be very positive, but be ready, there is also a Mercury retrograde.

Gemini March 2018 Horoscope: Full Moon

To start the month off, there is a Full moon in Virgo on March 1st. This is going to affect your home life, so there will be some news coming related to your family and people close to you. Saturn is an influence, so this news could be quite serious.

There are two events happening on March 6th: Mercury and Venus enter Aries. These two travel nicely together until March 22nd, when Mercury turns retro. Up until then, your life will be buzzing along, with your social calendar full of opportunities. Old friends and new friends will be a priority for you during this time, and they will be quite supportive of your plans for the future.

Gemini March 2018 Horoscope: Jupiter Retro

Jupiter will be turning retro on March 8th, and will be doing so until July 10th. This is a major change on your outlook on day to day life. You will turn your thoughts to more spiritual aspects of the world. It is going on for a few months, and it is a wonderful time to consider studying spirituality and religion. This retro will be involved with your daily life, so you will feel compelled to alter your routine to bring spirituality more into your everyday life.

Gemini March 2018 Horoscope: Mercury Retro

Mercury will turn retro on March 22nd. You know the drill, take extra care to be more thoughtful and considerate during this time. Don’t jump to conclusions. Make time each day to reboot. Find yourself a quiet area and meditate and/or pray for a few minutes each day. Mercury is especially influential on you, Gemini, so be prepared.

Venus will be transiting Aries until March 31st. Your romantic side of your life is operating on high. If you have a romantic partner, you will recommit yourself to spending time with that person. If you are single, watch out, your impulses are hard to control and you will be very self confident and ready to mingle.

Gemini March 2018 Horoscope: March 17th Double Events

Mars enters Capricorn on March 17th, and will be there until May 16th. With this transit you are going to be a bulldog regarding your goals and to-do lists. Nothing can get in your way to get things done, and it will be an extremely productive time for you.

Also on March 17th, there is a new moon in Pisces. This is going to boost your imagination, and on top of that, it is a wonderful time for new opportunities relating to your career.

There is yet another double event on March 31st. First, Venus enters Taurus, where it will be traveling until April 24th. During this transit, This is a fun transit, where you will quite possibly could have a romantic element of your life that becomes a wonderful little secret.

Gemini March 2018 Horoscope: Full Moon

Also on March 31st, there is a full moon in Libra. This is going to bring some interesting news related to your romantic life, and possibly your family life.

Gemini March 2018 Horoscope: Words of Wisdom

“If at first an idea isn’t absurd there is no hope for it”.

-Albert Einstein, inventor

