Gemini Monthly Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2017

Gemini Monthly Horoscope — October 2017

You Romantic Devil!

After several months of stuck in the mud planetary activity, September finally brought some sunshine into your astrological life. In fact, it seemed like things could not be more positive with you in terms of planetary influence, right? You would be mistaken, Gemini, as October is going to be quite a month for you.

This is going to be a time of the most creative, artistic, and romantic influence for you in quite some time. The forces are there, so it will be up to you to use your free will to embrace the possibilities.

Gemini Monthly Horoscope — Full Moon

Let’s start with the full moon in Aries on October 5th. Prepare for a strong uptick in your social life a few days before, the day of, and a few days after, the full moon. Your communication skills are at their best, and your network of friends and family will be as wide as it has ever been.

Uranus will be in Aries during this full moon as well, and it will bring an element of welcome chaos and unpredictability. Enjoy the full moon and your role as the social butterfly, as well as the added spice of the element of unpredictability, this is what life is about.

This October: Communicate with the Spirit World on Halloween!

Mercury entered Libra on September 29th, and is going to be there until October 17th. You feel an overwhelming sense of motivation to get your creative / artistic projects moving pronto.

Have you been wanting to start a new blog, or dive into a new field of study regarding the arts? Now is the time, and you won’t be able to resist the need to be the most creative version of yourself that you can be.

You will find yourself wanting to get out and see beauty, so visits to parks, gardens, or museums could be in store.

Remember, where there is an influence over your creative side, that also means an influence over your romantic side. The same urges you feel when you delve into artistic endeavors are going to affect your romantic disposition. Your partner will benefit, and if you are single, you are on the prowl.

Gemini Monthly Horoscope — Jupiter Transit

On October 10th, Jupiter is going to start a major, major transition for your world. It enters Scorpio, and it will be there until November of 2018. To start, your work life may never be the same, as expansion is on the horizon. This could very well mean that simply you and your business partners enjoy a long period of growth and prosperity.

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