Leo Horoscope — August, 2017

Maynard Originals
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2017

Leo August 2017 Horoscope

An Eventful Month of Possibilities

The two eclipses that occur in August will affect you, Leo, very strongly. It is going to be a month of strong energies pulling at you in different directions. The quiet of May led into a hectic June and July, but August is going to be something altogether different. There are paths diverging at your feet and you will be the one to decide how the external energies in the Universe will affect your life.

Lunar Eclipses for Leo August Horoscope

On August 7th, there is a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. Now, Jupiter in Libra will be a factor, so the potential for negativity should be outshined by the greater good. However, be very vigilant in the days leading up to this eclipse, on the eclipse and immediately after. In our world of 24/7 news coverage and social media that seemingly brings out the worst in people, your deeply held belief systems are going to seem to you like they are constantly under attack.

This Lunar Eclipse suggests strongly reflective and passive tendencies, which are only evident in the sensitive side of Leo personalities. Don’t lose your sensitive side, it is your connection with humanity. Maintain your idealism but respect the wishes of others as well.

There will also be a Full Moon on August 7th . Native American tribes called the August Moon the “Sturgeon Moon” because they knew that the sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most really caught during this moon. The Full Moon is when the moon’s energy is at its peak. The day of the full moon brings vitality, good health and friendships. This moon is also called the Blueberry Moon, for the blueberry harvest, but in color, it appears reddish when reflecting through a molten haze during the early hours of the day.

As with many astrological events, you can use the foresight that you have to be prepared. Don’t allow comments made by anonymous strangers to bother you. Don’t be quick with making a comment or letting it hurt you. In fact, the best thing for you to do during this eclipse is just don’t engage the negative world around you. Make this a “positive vacation” and tune out the nastiness around you.

Mercury Retrograde for Leo August Horoscope

Mercury turns Retrograde in Virgo on August 12th. This is going to last until September 5th, and will have a major pull on your finances. It is a retrograde, so keep this window of time in mind. Make important financial decisions before and after this time. You are enterprising and spontaneous, with an inclination to speculate, but this is the time to avoid any get-rich-quick schemes as they don’t seem to be in your best interest. Get all the facts before you make any financial decisions.

During the Retrograde, take extra care to check all of your accounts and your transactions. Be super careful on expenditures, and don’t dive into any new “investment opportunities.” Sometimes these can be wonderful things, as it forces us to take a close look at our money and make sure that no shenanigans are going on.

Solar Eclipses for Leo August Horoscope

On the 21st there is a Solar Eclipse in your sign, and this one is going to be a whopper. Not only is Uranus being a beneficial contributor, but the Sun, the Moon, and Mars are in your sign. Be prepared for the unexpected.

This Solar Eclipse is one that has many powerful elements all falling into place at the same time, and it is going to mean a potential shift in your life. A whole new career opportunity? The love of your life entering your life? It could be almost anything, but the potential is there for a life changing event. Keep your eyes, your mind, and your heart open to the possibilities.

Positive Turns for Leo August 2017 Horoscope

On August 25th, Saturn turns Direct in Sagittarius, and this is a wonderful ending to a tumultuous month. It is as if you have been in neutral with some creative or romantic aspects of your life, and these parts of your life find traction and surge forward. Venus transits your sign from August 26th until September 19th, and circle this time with a big red marker. It has the potential to be some of the creative and romantic times of your entire year. You feel empowered and energized, and full of positivity, and people around you will notice.

You have strong willpower and determination and that will help you accomplish much in the material world. If you want to achieve total fulfillment, it is necessary to balance these forces with your intuitive insight. Learn how to listen to the wisdom of your inner voice. It is usually the unexpected that happens.

Dive Deeper:

Do you know your Chinese Astrology Sign? — Click Here and learn more about what sign you are and how it describes your personality

The Historical Side of Leo

Leo — Is This Me? — *Ask your social media friends if your sign matches your personality

Astrology and the Human Body

Horoscopes: Color and Fashion

All August 2017 Horoscopes:

