Leo March 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2018

Leo March 2018 Horoscope

Leo March 2018 Horoscope: After a few months of quiet with the planets, March is going to be a very active month. There are transits and retro’s that are going to be pulling you in all directions, but with a little planning, you will be ready for it.

Leo March 2018 Horoscope: Full Moon

March kicks off with a full moon in Virgo on March 1st. This full moon will bring to light some conflict or underlying issue related to your finances. There is going to be some new opportunities for you with money, and that can come to fruition after you address an imbalance with your money situation.

Mercury and Venus enter Aries on March 6th. This transit will be working well for you until March 22nd, when Mercury goes retro, but more on that in a bit. First, for several weeks, you experience a wonderful balance between your mind and soul. You are logical but also creative. It is a wonderful time to be productive and to get things turned around and running in the right direction.

Leo March 2018 Horoscope: Mercury Retrograde

On March 22nd, Mercury will then go retrograde, and you know the drill. Take some time each day to meditate so you can reboot. Don’t jump to conclusions, and take more time to resolve conflicts. These retros don’t last long, so don’t allow it to let little issues explode.

Venus will be continuing on through Aries until March 31st during this time, and it is a bright side to the retro. Your romantic and creative side are lit up, and you could find new adventures in both aspects of your life.

Leo March 2018 Horoscope: Jupiter Retrograde

Getting back to March 8th, Jupiter will actually turn retro as well in Scorpio, and will be doing so until July 10th. This is an inward movement, and you will find yourself more introspective, particularly with spiritual matters.

There are two events on March 17th: Mars enters Capricorn and there is a new moon in Pisces. With the Mars transit, you will become a workhouse and extremely productive. Little obstacles stand no chance against your positive energies, and you will be the one to get things done.

In regards to the new moon in Pisces, this is a prime time to earn more money. There will be some new opportunities for income, so keep your eyes open.

Leo March 2018 Horoscope: Full Moon in Libra

March 31st is another “double duty” day. Venus will enter Taurus, which we will discuss more next month, and there is a full moon in Libra. The full moon will bring together you and family, friends and neighbors. It is a wonderful opportunity to socialize with those you most care about.

Leo March 2018 Horoscope: Words of Wisdom

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet / philosopher

