Libra February 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2018

Libra February 2018 Horoscope

Libra February 2018 Horoscope: February will be a quiet month, astrologically, perhaps one of the most tranquil months of the year. January had its ups and downs, but this year did start much smoother than in 2017, which kicked off with Mercury retrograde. Allow this month to be a time of rest and relaxation, and the astrological events that do occur will be in your favor.

Libra February 2018 Horoscope: Valentine’s Day

We can’t think about February without mentioning Valentine’s Day. For some, the holiday is about refocusing your energy on that someone special in your life. For others, it is just a “Hallmark Holiday” that is over commercialized and vacuous. Regardless, the planets have the last laugh this month, placing a solar eclipse the day after Valentine’s Day on February 15th.

Love and Romance Affirmations:

Love surrounds me, I completely open my heart to receiving love

I create my reality and by giving love unconditionally, I receive love

Every day the Universe sends love to me and every day I am worthy of receiving an abundance of love

My natural loving nature attracts love to me like a magnet

I love myself, I fully accept myself for the unique person I am and I am grateful for all the love I have in my life

By releasing my love into the universe I will attract the ideal partner and create a happy, loving relationship filled with abundance

Libra February 2018 Horoscope: Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipses illuminate and expose issues and opportunities that are lying below the surface or that are right in front of you but you can’t see them. To some, this can be a stressful time. If you are ready to resolve issues and seize opportunities, a solar eclipse is a blessing. As it is so much with astrology, it is how you approach a situation that matters.

The solar eclipse on February 15th is in Aquarius, and is in proximity to Uranus. This eclipse will be addressing your artistic / creative side, romance, and close family. Opportunities are the key word here, and in any of those aspects of your life, new opportunities will make themselves known.

Because Uranus is involved, these opportunities can seemingly appear out of left field. So keep your eyes, ears, mind, and soul open to the possibilities.

Libra February 2018 Horoscope: Venus Transit

Venus enters Pisces on February 10th, and will be there through the 6th of March. Be open to a change in how you approach things that brings you more compassion and intuition. This will effect all areas of your life, and people around you will take notice. Your kindness and thoughtfulness with be a major attractant to others, and a new romance could be in the works.

A Must Read: Valentine’s Day 2018 Astrology

Libra February 2018 Horoscope: Mercury Joins Venus

Mercury transits Pisces and joins Venus from February 18th to March 6th. Just as your compassion and intuition seem to blossom on February 10th, now those aspects of your personality, along with your spiritual side and your imagination, will be operating at the highest levels. It is a time to be productive, but specifically to be productive with things that are truly important to you and that are good natured. It is a wonderful few weeks, and you should embrace these feelings and try to weave them into your permanent state of mind.

Libra “Words of Wisdom” February, 2018

One of the effects of fear is to disturb the senses and cause things to appear other than what they are.

