Mercury Retrograde 2017 — #TransformationTuesday

Maynard Originals
Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2017

Have you noticed some crossed wires with your communication lately? Problems with emails or a text message gone awry? Having issues booking a flight, or caught in travel nightmares? It’s not just you, it is “Mercury Retrograde”. It is happening now and will be done with after the 8th of January, so don’t fret! However, if you can put off any important decisions until then, it might be a good idea.

What is Mercury Retrograde?

Several times a year it appears as if Mercury is going backwards. This time seems to be associated with confusion, frustration and delay, as everything associated with Mercury gets a little wacky when the planet is in Retrograde. From an astrological standpoint, Mercury is the ruler of all forms of communication, honesty, clarity and even travel. During this time, extreme caution is advised in all these areas. When Mercury retrogrades, it appears your mental faculties are not functioning well. You might feel an urge to go into hermit mode to get away from it all. Normal communication with others seems to be filled with misinformation. Your intuition may not be up to par for the time being.

“It’s that time again — Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde! But don’t worry, the world is not about to end. You know the basics — don’t buy new technology, plan complicated trips, sign important contracts, or start a new venture.” — Aurora Tower

Mercury Retrograde 12

Mercury Retrograde happens when the planet Mercury passes between the Earth and the Sun. It has a huge core with a very high density, and is thought to be made mostly of iron. It appears to be a huge magnet between the Earth and the Sun when it retrogrades. Our nervous system runs on electricity and the mind on the physical plane, and is rooted in electricity and magnetism. A purely mental phenomenon seems to be associated with a Mercury Retrograde effect.

Mercury Retrograde for 2017:

Dec. 19, 2016 to Jan. 8, 2017, earth sign Capricorn, to fire sign Sagittarius,
April 9, to May 1, earth sign Taurus to fire sign Aries,
August 12 to Sept. 5, earth sign Virgo to fire sign Leo,
Dec. 1 to Dec. 12, fire sign Sagittarius.

Surviving Mercury Retrograde requires us to be aware of what is going on around us. Don’t take what others say too personally. Their thinking is clouded, too, and their communication skills are temporarily lacking. When you learn how to use the energy of Mercury Retrograde, you can have it work in your favor, rather than against you. It is a powerful time to get real with yourself and to unearth all of the emotions, thoughts and feelings that have been hiding inside for so long. It can give us emotional healing and deeper self knowledge. When we know our truth, we know who we are.

I pretty much try to stay in a constant state of confusion just because of the expression it leaves on my face. ~ Johnny Depp

Mercury Retrograde encourages us to tie up loose ends. It is a time to reevaluate our routines and habits, and give more thought to the meaning of our work or services. Be as non-judgmental as you can with romantic partners and your children, until your thinking is more clear. Strive to be as clear as possible so that you are not misunderstood when dealing with others. They may misinterpret your body language, so take extra care when you communicate with friends and family. It is important not to make any new decisions that are binding or require a contract as Mercury Retrograde tends to breed a certain level of confusion. It’s best to not start a new job, get married or begin a new financial chapter in your life now, wait until the time when Mercury turns direct.

Money and Mercury Retrograde!

Money plays a big part of both the problem and the solution when Mercury is Retrograding. Your financial deals need to be reconsidered and restructured before making any financial moves during a Mercury Retrograde phase. It’s not wise to do any gambling, financial speculating or any risk taking with money during this time. Reconsider and restructure your existing financial commitments and reevaluate your investment portfolio during a Mercury Retrograde to stay on top of your investments. A money making venture may be put on hold due to circumstances beyond your control during this time.

When Mercury Retrogrades, it is the best time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished thus far, and whether or not you are on your right path in life. It is a time to stop holding grudges, and what you can’t forget, do your best to forgive. Take time to slow down, meditate, do plenty of yoga and discover who you really are. It is a time of healing, not a time for drama!

How does Mercury Retrograde Affect Your Sign?

Find out all about how Mercury Retrograde affects your astrological signs at the totally free monthly horoscope site at: Secret Serendipity.

