Sagittarius April 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2018

Sagittarius April 2018 Horoscope

Sagittarius April 2018 Horoscope: After a fairly hectic and chaotic March, April is looking like a banner month for you, Sagittarius. There are several astrological events that are turning your way!

Astrology and The Easter Tree

Sagittarius April 2018 Horoscope: Mercury Direct

Everything in April pivots on the major event on April 15th, when Mercury turns direct again and ends its retro. At last, you can get back to making major decisions. Take some extra time to count your blessings. Make a list of all of the positive influences in your life. Rejoice, as things are back to normal on this date.

Sagittarius April 2018 Horoscope: New Moon

Also on April 15th, there is a new moon in Aries. This is going to bring some very good new regarding opportunities at work, or with relationships with others. Keep your mind open to new relationships, or even new possibilities to improve your career.

This transit of Mercury back to direct will mean that for the next month, your mind will return its focus to creative and romantic endeavors. It is a major change of direction, but you are going to go from the chaos of the retro to a time of inspiration.

Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn on April 17th, and will be doing so until September 6th. There will be much clarity regarding your finances during this time. This retro will provide you the illumination to make excellent decisions regarding money for the future.

Venus transits Gemini from April 24th until May 19th. This has everything to do with the relationships in your life, and these relationships will take steps to deepen in intensity and importance. If you are involved with someone, expect it to take the next step. Business partnerships can also flourish during this time.

Sagittarius April 2018 Horoscope: Full Moon

There is a full moon in Scorpio on April 29th. This is an intense influence on how you view the spiritual world, and your mystical side will be fully highlighted.

Sagittarius April 2018 Horoscope: Words of Wisdom

Pick battles big enough to matter, but small enough to win.

