Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2018

Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope

Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope: Get ready for a March full of energies pulling you in all directions! Yes, there is a Mercury retrograde, but there are also many astrological influences that will make March 2018 one to remember.

Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope: Full Moon

Everything gets kicked off with a full moon in Virgo on March 1st. This full moon will get you out on the town and wanting to socialize. It will also shine the light on some issue that has been lying underneath the surface for some time. It is a wonderful thing when these things get revealed so you can remedy them.

Mercury and Venus enter Aries on March 6th, and until March 22nd, when Mercury goes retro, it is an exciting transit… but more on the retro later. Venus moves through Aries until March 31st. During the first few weeks of this transit together, you are a very productive worker bee. Your ideas flow freely, and people are drawn to have you lead the charge.

Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope: Venus Transit

As Venus moves through Aries until March 31st, you are on high gear with your romantic impulses. It is an exciting time, and if you have someone special in your life, you will find it very satisfying to devote more time to them. If you are single, it is time to get out and find a new romantic partner!

Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope: Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter will have a retro action of its own, this one happening on March 8th, and lasting until July 10th. Normally the king of expansion, now Jupiter will move inward and this will cause you to become much more introspective. Your spiritual side, in particular, will get special attention, and you will be doing a full reevaluation of all of the relationships in your life and how they fit your value system.

Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope: Mercury Retrograde

The Mercury retrograde will occur on March 22nd until April 15th, and you know what to do. Put off any important decisions, and prepare for some chaos. Be more thoughtful and considerate. Don’t let little issues turn into big ones. Take time each day to reboot. Find a spot where you can meditate each day for 15 minutes. Count off the things you are thankful for in an effort to push away petty thoughts.

There are two events on March 17th. To start, Mars enters Capricorn, that lasts until May 16th. This is pure productivity time for you, and anything you set your mind to you will get done. Obstacles have no chance against your new found determination.

Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope: New Moon

Also on March 17th there is a new moon in Pisces. This is very exciting for you as it deals with a new opportunity for romance, or a major new creative project. All signs point to you rediscovering your romantic flame and/or your artistic spirit around this date!

On March 31st, Venus enters Taurus and that will strongly influence the partnerships in your life. Look for a strengthening and an expansion of work and personal relationships.

Also on March 31st there is a full moon in Libra. This could bring about some deeply held ideas that finally come to the surface.

Scorpio March 2018 Horoscope: Words of Wisdom

“It’s the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles”

-Claude M. Bristol

