Serendipity — Definitely Unlimited

Maynard Originals
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2016

The concept of Serendipity can be very complex, as some people would argue that events are never driven by pure luck, but always involves a certain amount of knowledge, intuition and forethought, that is brought together in fortuitous circumstance. It can mean the strange and wonderful way events, people, and places seem to connect in life, in a way that seems to be “meant to be.” Others would say that we are on a pre-programmed path, one event leading to the next, to a preordained finish. Serendipity is discovering something you needed to know while looking for something completely different and unrelated. It is finding exactly what you needed at a time when it is least expected, but it was really the right time and place.

You may believe in being in the right place at the right time, but is there really such a thing? Some people think that what happens to you is directly related to what you choose to see or what you are ready to see happening in your life. If events are unfolding all the time, then why do you feel compelled to approach a stranger or to notice and apply for a particular job position. We believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence. Everything has a purpose, no matter how small or stupid it may seem. The purpose doesn’t have to be something big or wonderful, and it may never be known, but there is a reason for everything.

When perfect connections are made, it might seem like a coincidence, but in fact, we are mistaking these happenings for being aware, or in the right state of mind to understand the plan for the universe. At some point it is up to us to take responsibility for our own life, to grow up spiritually and set sail on our own. When learning is made too easy, we don’t seem to grasp the knowledge being offered.

Serendipity helps us to understand the importance of keeping an open mind. When we accept new ideas, we create our own sense of living purposefully. The seeds of great discoveries are constantly floating around us, but they only take root in minds well prepared to receive them. Join us in our journey of discovering how Unlimited Serendipity truly can be. We believe in the intense power of Serendipity throughout our life’s journey. We would love to have you join us in discovering our journey at — you’ll be glad you did!

