Taurus Horoscope — August, 2017

Maynard Originals
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2017

Taurus August 2017 Horoscope

Stay Focused On The Positive!

The hectic month of July continues on through August for the Taurus individual. The last few months have been a bit topsy turvy, with a calm May leading into a tumultuous June and July. For August, you will have two eclipses and plenty to look forward to.

Taurus Lunar Eclipse for August 2017 Horoscope

On August 7th, there is a Lunar Eclipse, and it is going to shine brightly dealing with your career and/or important projects that you have undertaken. Around this date, before and after, you will feel an almost eagerness to take action regarding some issue at work or with your interaction with someone close. It is an impulse that is very difficult to resist. If you take the time to consider all of the consequences, you can make this into a major positive, but if you let your impulses control you, you could be in for some trouble.

There will also be a Full Moon on August 7th . Native American tribes called the August Moon the “Sturgeon Moon” because they knew that the sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most really caught during this moon. The Full Moon is when the moon’s energy is at its peak. The day of the full moon brings vitality, good health and friendships. This moon is also called the Blueberry Moon, for the blueberry harvest, but in color, it appears reddish when reflecting through a molten haze during the early hours of the day.

Again, be aware of the eclipse on the 7th, and that doesn’t mean just on that date. Eclipses can have a reverberating effect before and after the actual date of the eclipse.

Taurus Retrograde for August 2017 Horoscope

On August 12th, Mercury goes all retrograde in Virgo, and not turning again until the 5th of September. Keep this date range in mind very carefully. Creativity, romance, work… they all seem to drop into low gear without your control.

This is a time that you should be preparing for, and turn it into a positive. You don’t always have to be creating and moving forward with your career, creative projects, and even with your love life. Just make this into a “vacation from progress”, where you can just hit the pause button on making any changes. When taken with this approach, you can turn this retrograde into a time or introspection and thoughtfulness.

Make a list of things that you have been putting off that seem mundane during this date range of the 12th of August to September 5th. Been putting off a tedious garden project, or home repair that is just monotonous work? This could be a time where you wont have that nagging feeling that you could be doing something more exciting. You might actually enjoy “brain dead” work around the house!

Taurus Solar Eclipse for August 2017 Horoscope

On the 21st there is a Solar Eclipse in Leo, and “newness” abounds! Whether it deals with your family life, your creative endeavors, or even changes to your physical surroundings, something is stirring and major changes are underway around this eclipse. Look for the signs of new opportunities regarding these aspects of your life and don’t be afraid to embrace change.

Your good fortune depends upon your social contacts and ability to concentrate on one goal at a time. When you scatter your energy, money and interests, the superficial aspects of your nature take over. It is your ability to put people, products and situations together at the opportune moment that is the key to your success.

Positive Turn of Events for Taurus August 2017 Horoscope

Saturn will turn Direct into Sagittarius on the 25th, and it is a magnificent time of balance and resolution. Problems and stresses that you have with work will “untie” themselves, and you will finally have the relief of a burden you have been carrying.

From August 2th until September 19th Venus will transit Leo. Be ready for a major boost in your romantic or home life. You will become more drawn to those close to you, and you will find your creative side is bursting forth.

Taurens are warm-hearted, charming, and determined. You enjoy both personal and financial success, and love luxury and comfort. But you must watch for a tendency toward obsessiveness and overindulgence. As an Earth sign, you are the “do-ers” of the Zodiac, and are often the most dedicated to work and family.

Dive Deeper:

Do you know your Chinese Astrology Sign? — Click Here and learn more about what sign you are and how it describes your personality

The Historical Side of Taurus

Taurus — Is This Me? — *Ask your social media friends if your sign matches your personality

Astrology and the Human Body

Horoscopes: Color and Fashion

All August 2017 Horoscopes:

