Taurus March 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2018

Taurus March 2018 Horoscope

Taurus March 2018 Horoscope: Things definitely get ramped up heading into March, after a quite slow February. There are events that will affect you positively, Taurus, and those that will cause some anxiety. Regardless, it is all about preparation. There are many influences in life, but you can always control your effort and your attitude!

Taurus March 2018 Horoscope: Full Moon

March starts off with a bang with a full moon in Virgo on March 1st. This full moon will bring some insight or even news related to your romantic or artistic elements of your life. Be ready for a change in these parts of your life, but relax, it will be a welcome bit of change that you will embrace.

Taurus March 2018 Horoscope: Mercury and Venus Transits

On March 6th, two transits begin: Mercury enters your sign, and so does Venus. This will be a very exciting, but also possibly impulsive time for you, until Mercury goes retro on March 22nd. During this time your passions will be running hot and cold, but the ride will be fun, and it will be a welcome change of pace from the day to day grind!

Taurus March 2018 Horoscope: Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter will go retro on March 8th in Scorpio, and will be there until July 10th. This is an inward turn and you will be very focused on your relationships and partnerships. You will reevaluate everything and will ask yourself how do these people really affect your life. Are your relationships healthy, and are your partnerships stable? It is a nice time to do a full accounting of the people in your life.

Taurus March 2018 Horoscope: New Moon in Pisces

There is a new moon in Pisces on March 17th, and this one is all about new possibilities and opportunities. New, new, new is the key here. You should get out and be social, and consider starting new projects if opportunities are presented to you. Be careful, though, as a Mercury retro is on the way. Still, you can always get things started and just play it cool until the retro is over.

Also on March 17th, Mars enters Capricorn, and will be there until May 16th. This transit brings a dogged tenacity for anything you are working on. Obstacles be damned, whatever you put your mind to is going to get accomplished!

Mercury goes retro on March 22nd, and will be doing so until April 15th. As always, take extra care to be considerate and thoughtful during this time. Take time each day to count your blessings, and to also sit in peace and quiet to reboot!

March 31st features a double header of events. Venus will enter your sign and also there is a full moon in Libra. The Venus transit will make things run very smooth in your life. In regards to the full moon, this is an eye opening event. Some imbalance in your life will really come to your attention. The full moon is a blessing, in that it will shine the light on this to help guide you through resolution.

Taurus March 2018 Horoscope: Words of Wisdom

“If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got”

-Mark Twain

