Virgo February 2018 Horoscope

Maynard Originals
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2018

Virgo February 2018 Horoscope

Virgo February 2018 Horoscope: This February will provide a very calm and peaceful respite from the sometimes hectic influences that the planets can provide. In fact, February 2018 could be one of the quietest times of the year, astrologically.

January of 2018 started off much better than it did in 2017, which started with a Mercury retrograde, so you are off to a more positive start than a year ago. The only major event happening in February is a solar eclipse scheduled for February 15th, and we will get to that in a bit.

Virgo February 2018 Horoscope: Valentine’s Day

Let’s begin with the elephant in the room — Valentine’s Day. That romantic holiday that some adore and others despise. Is it a “Hallmark Holiday” created for commercialism or a time to refocus on that special someone in your life. Whatever your point of view, it falls one day before the most influential event of the month- a solar eclipse in Aquarius.

Love and Romance Affirmations:

Love surrounds me, I completely open my heart to receiving love

I create my reality and by giving love unconditionally, I receive love

Every day the Universe sends love to me and every day I am worthy of receiving an abundance of love

My natural loving nature attracts love to me like a magnet

I love myself, I fully accept myself for the unique person I am and I am grateful for all the love I have in my life

By releasing my love into the universe I will attract the ideal partner and create a happy, loving relationship filled with abundance

Virgo February 2018 Horoscope: Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipses bring illumination to our lives in many ways. Many people get stressed around an eclipse, because they aren’t yet resolved to facing issues that are lingering in their lives. The fact is, those issues are already present, so you might as well look at an eclipse as a positive, and that is very much the case with the solar eclipse on February 15.

This eclipse will be in tied closely with Uranus, and there will be new opportunities that appear seemingly out of nowhere. Be prepared heading into February 15th and keep your eyes, ears, mind and soul open to new possibilities. Pounce on new ideas and chances to join new projects and let your gut be your guide.

Virgo February 2018 Horoscope: Venus Transit

Venus enters Pisces on February 10th, and the partnerships that you have in your life will be greatly strengthened. At work you could expand your business with new clients or continue a partnership that you might have let dissolve.

This transit also will affect your romantic and personal partnerships. Your relationships, in all facets of your life will become a greater focus, and you will leaning toward taking things to the next level in all regards.

A Must Read: Valentine’s Day 2018 Astrology

Virgo February 2018 Horoscope: Mercury Joins Venus

On February 18th, Mercury joins the transit with Venus, and the transit that started on February 10th is now doubling and tripling in intensity. Romance and your creative side become the focal parts of your personality and you are quite happy with the direction those aspects of your life are going.

The time from February 18th until March 6th, when this all changes could be the most artistic and formative time of the year for you in terms of creativity and romance. Embrace this influence, and you may choose to make this a permanent change.

Virgo “Words of Wisdom” February, 2018

We exaggerate misfortune and happiness alike. We are never as sad or as happy as we say we are.

