Winter-Warming Edible Crockpot Potpourri

Maynard Originals
Published in
1 min readNov 30, 2017

Winter-Warming Edible Crockpot Potpourri

An edible and amazing smelling concoction that will fill your home with comforting and stress alleviating smells. This is not as much as recipe as a framework of ideas for making your very own elixir that you can have going in your crockpot all day during the Holidays.

Base: Apple Cider or Apple Juice

Large Stuff: Apples, cut into slices, an Orange, sliced into quaters, Cinnamon Sticks, Cranberries. (peaches, pears, and you get the idea…)

Extras: Cloves, Star Anise, Allspice Berries, Candied Ginger, Rosehips, Nutmeg, Bay leaves. (pick your favorite spices, but remember that in berry or raw form will break down much better in a crockpot, adding just the powdered spice will infuse quickly and will not last as long)

Instructions: Add all of the ingredients and cook on high for 45 minutes. Tilt the lid to allow the mix to evaporate, and switch to Medium or Low. Add more cider as the liquid evaporates.

Tips: Try with your favorite liqueur or Rum.

