Zodiac Signs — Historical Backgrounds

Maynard Originals
Published in
6 min readMar 14, 2017

Astrology is an ancient and fascinating concept. The stories and history behind each sign is engaging, entertaining, and very informative!


ARIES — The science of Astrology began with the Babylonians around 2,000 years ago. One of the oldest and most common forms in which the signs of the Zodiac have been brought down through the ages is in the figure of man, with the glyph of Aries and a drawing of of a Lamb above his head. This introduced us to the first Zodiac sign, Aries. Read More…


TAURUS — Taurus is a symbol of the second period of the cycle of life, for it is the second sign and house of the Zodiac, receiving the out-going electrical energy of Aries, and utilizing it in the formation of the human body. It is believed to be one of the oldest constellations recorded, as far back as the late 5th century, BC. Read more…


GEMINI — The Astrological sign, Gemini, is named after twins Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology. It was believed that the twins, whose sister was Helen of Troy, fought together in the Trojan War. Gemini, in the ancient chemistry of life, is the branching off time of the year. It precedes the summer and as such it announces change while ruling the time of year when Taurus spring has ended and life on Earth is about to change. Spring is dying down and preparations are done for summer to take over with the beginning of Cancer. Read more…


CANCER — In ancient Babylonia, the astrologers called one of the stars in the constellation, “the southeast star in the Crab,” and this is the image that has stuck throughout history. Cancer is a symbol of the fourth period (it is the fourth sign of the Zodiac) of the cycle of life. It signifies the lower mind energized from the astral plane. The crab or the tortoise (Indian sign of Cancer) is a symbol of the lower nature into which the soul descends in evolution. Read more…


LEO — The fifth astrological sign of the Zodiac is Leo, originating from the constellation of Leo. Leo is considered to be a “masculine” positive, extrovert sign. It is a fire sign that is also ruled by the Sun, and the children of that celestial sign are natural sun worshipers. Leo is the Latin word for Lion. This sign is the only one in the circle of the Zodiac having a beast of prey for a symbol. Read more…


VIRGO — On the twenty-third of August, the Sun enters the Zodiac sign, Virgo, which is the Latin word for Virgin. As Virgo is the sixth sign in the natural Zodiac, it has to do with creation, but on a plane higher than what we are familiar with. The consuming fire of the Sun in August represents the first step in a different cosmic and physical process. It signifies the drawing of energy into the earth. Read more…


LIBRA — Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac and the second of the air triplicity, Gemini being the first and Aquarius the third. It is under the rulership of Venus. The name, Libra, is a Latin word meaning scales or balance. It also represents pound. Pound is the unit of weight for the scales. A pair of Scales is the glyph for this sign. Read more…


SCORPIO — Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac and comes after the autumn has begun in Libra. Scorpio is a water sign, governed by Mars. Mars is a “doer of things,” also fiery at times, therefore, it was believed that the Scorpio native must take heed, lest he sometimes “boils over.” Read more…


SAGITTARIUS — On November 22, the Sun enters the zodiacal sign Sagittarius, and remains until December 21. Jupiter is its ruler. Sagittarius is the third and last of the fire triplicity. Its symbol is the Centaur, a mythological being, having the body of a horse, with the head, neck, and arms of man. He holds a drawn bow, and points an arrow upward. Some ancients believed that Jupiter had been born on Mt. Olympus, and was nourished by a goat. Read more…


CAPRICORN — The Sun is transiting the zodiacal sign Capricorn from approximately December 21 to January 21. Those born under this sign come under the influence of the Sun in Capricorn, the Goat. The nature of the work accomplished during this period pertains rather more to January than to December, for two weeks of the former, and only one of the latter, are affected. The Sun has reached he southern gate to heaven, from whence it must make ready to ascend. It is the goat, Capricorn, waiting at the food of the mountain to begin its long journey. Read more…


AQUARIUS — The Sun passes through Aquarius once every solar year. In its journey, it covers the last week in January and the first two weeks of February. Those born between the dates of January 21 and February 20 are doubly blessed, as they are favored of the gods. Aquarius was believed to have two rulers, Saturn and Uranus. In ancient times, the Romans held the Festival of Purification at the end of January. It was the festival of the spring washing and symbolical of the fact that the process had been completed. Read more…


PISCES — The Sun enters the zodiacal sign of Pisces on approximately February 20, and remains until March 21. This period covers the last week of February and the first two weeks of March. The month of March, in which the largest part of this sign falls, is derived from the Latin word margo, meaning boundary, confine, border, edge, limit, attainment, mark, or extremity. Read more…

