Artificial Intelligence Explained in Simple Terms

Real-world examples of Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Deep Learning in action

Raj Shroff


There are many great articles about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its benefits for business and society. However, many of these articles are too technical for the average reader. I love reading about AI, but I sometimes think to myself, ‘Gee, I wish the author had explained this in simple English.

I will try and explain AI and its related technologies in simple terms, using real-life examples, as though I were talking to someone at a party. Your colleagues or your (close) friends may tolerate your endless and complex ramblings, but I guarantee you that people at parties are far less forgiving.

After reading this, you will be able to talk about AI at a party and entertain your fellow guests, instead of making them hate the host for inviting you in the first place.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves using computers to do things that traditionally require human intelligence. This means creating algorithms to classify, analyze, and draw predictions from data. It also involves acting on data, learning from new data, and improving over time. Just like a tiny human…

