Five Tips for Conducting Mobile Market Research

Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2019
Image by @epicantus

Just in case you hadn’t noticed, the world has gone mobile. In fact, according to Smart Insights,

  • 80% of internet users own a smartphone
  • 89% of mobile media time is spent on apps

But what does this mean for market research? It means you need to bite the bullet and start reaching your audience where they are spending their time: their mobile device. When you think about it, it’s a win-win. Respondents can take your survey when, where, and how they want to, and you get high quality information — fast.

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So, what are some best practices when conducting mobile market research? Here are some tips to help you get started.

  1. Use research software that is optimized for mobile. This could mean having software that automatically detects the device the survey is being taken on and adjusts to fit the layout (responsive design). It could also mean using a mobile application (native app).
  2. Let respondents express themselves how they normally do. Let’s talk about emojis as an example. Nowadays, an emoji speaks a thousand words. Providing emojis for your respondents allows them to answer your questions naturally and honestly, using familiar characters they use in their daily mobile conversations.
  3. Take advantage of multimedia capabilities. Before mobile research methods were available, if you wanted to see and hear how respondents were reacting to a product during home use testing or a display when asking people to shop in-store, the process would require many steps using a PC. Respondents would have to take a photo (most likely with their mobile device), upload it to the computer, and then upload it again to their web browser. With mobile, respondents can take a picture, video, or audio recording, and upload it to your survey right then and there.
  4. Stay concise. Survey fatigue can happen on any platform, but when your respondents are taking your survey on their phone, chances are they are doing it on the go. Do your best to limit the number of questions and ask only the important stuff.
  5. Make it fun. If you are planning on surveying the same respondents again, perhaps in an online community format, you are going to want to keep them interested. Making your surveys fun for respondents by varying your content and questions types, or using a gamified system such as awarding points for survey completes will help ensure your research is regularly a part of your audience’s precious mobile screen time.



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