The Rune Series: ALGIZ (Elk)

How to ask for guidance and protection

Alexandru Morariu (DerectumArt)
Mythic Writes
5 min readMay 20, 2024


The Runes of this series belong to the Elder Futhark, one of the oldest alphabets in recorded history. Each Rune has endless interpretations and deep meanings; while their origin and/or intent is lost to history, most interpretations come from the ‘Rune Poems’, possibly written around the 8th century. This series will explore the Runes through a personal journey and intuitive interpretation of them, alongside knowledge collected from written works, such as ‘The Book of Runes’ (R.Blum, 1982), and the intricately crafted website ‘’ by Tyrael.

ALGIZ, Digital Artwork by A.Morariu (DerectumArt), 2019

Greetings Dear Reader,

Welcome back to the Rune Series where we explore the ancient Runes through a psychological, practical, spiritual and philosophical lens.

You can check out the rest of this series below:

“Courage in the face of fear is central, not the absence of fear, because fear may or may not be a warning to us that protection and defensiveness is necessary. Algiz supplies the insight necessary to make such judgments and stand in true service to Asgard.” (Tyrael,

For a musical journey through the thick, endless forest of your soul, I recommend Flykt by Forndom (2015). It’s haunting and dark, yet strangely comforting at the same time. It’s a journey through the cold, northern forests transformed into music.

The Guardian of the Forest

ALGIZ, also known as Yr, Eolx or Elhaz, is known as the Rune of protection and stewardship. It literally means ‘elk’, so its shape is said to represent the horns of this majestic animal.

Photo by Diana Parkhouse on Unsplash

Archetypally, the elk often appears in a symbolic form to represent the guardian of forests. Modern-day popular examples of this archetype include Rowling’s Harry Potter universe, where the elk/stag is Harry’s spiritual guardian (Patronus), and Miyazaki’s ‘Princess Mononoke’ (Studio Ghibli, 1997) where the God of the Forest takes the shape of an elk. It’s also not uncommon to find ‘forest guardian spirits’ in most world folklore, usually taking the shapes of various beasts.

Contemporary neopagan interpretations of ALGIZ therefore, attribute the idea of ‘protection’ to this Rune and, given its position between PERTHRO and SOWILO, both powerful non-human forces, I’d argue that a sense of protection is welcomed.

Asking for Help

Rune Series 15/24

Second Aett: Algiz

Meaning: Elk

Associated English letter: Z

Spirit animals, guardians and helpers are a common occurrence in spiritual activity or ritual, and often appear in psychedelic experiences. I have personally had direct experiences with beings of this ‘nature’ in psychedelic settings, but I think it would be useful to dedicate a few words to the possibility of interacting with invisible forces even, and especially when, we are sober.

It is no great metaphysical statement to say that human life is inherently difficult. Even with the best of cards in hand, we’re often still confronted with invisible, chaotic forces that push and pull us in too many conflicting directions at once. It seems we are, at the best of times, still trudging along a treacherous forest with no pathway ahead and little idea as to where the hell we are supposed to go. Sometimes we come across the exact same tree we were convinced we had already walked by, many years back.

In the darkest of these times it’s useful to ask for help.

Well, and who to ask? Who will listen? Those of us who have somehow not lost their religious inheritance or faith in the onslaught of modern atheism would argue that some ever-present God listens and cares. But this answer doesn’t work anymore, not now and not for most.

Who to ask, then?

Photo by Vital Sinkevich on Unsplash

Like what you’re reading? The modern world is becoming more challenging for small artists/writers. Every word you read here is crafted with love and passion (and without AI) and Your support would enable me to spend a whole lot more time doing it. If it feels right, consider donating (:

The Shaman’s Journey

The world of the Unconscious is, I’d argue, the world of the spirits. Back in ancient times it was the shaman’s duty to navigate it and assist others in doing the same. The main argument I’m proposing through ALGIZ is the practical and experiential utility of consciously connecting to the invisible, both inside and outside.

Doing spiritual work literally means working with the invisible. It means interacting with forces that are autonomous, perennial and often appear to have a will of their own. I discuss this a little more in-depth in my first introduction to a Polytheistic philosophy.

Whether or not you believe in such things is of little consequence when you recognise that much of your life is lived under the unconscious pursuit of things which are invisible. Even if you consider yourself a rational, reductionist materialist, you have just labelled yourself with an entirely theoretical bunch of words that only mean whatever you decide they mean and your attitude to life is a consequence to them.

How to use ALGIZ

First, know thyself. Explore your inner landscape as KAUNAN suggests without trying to change, shape or judge anything you find. When things get tricky, and they likely will, don’t be resistant to ask for help.

At first, it may sound absurd and irrational to yourself but I encourage you to surpass that first resistance. Invoke the presence of whatever spirit wants to come through — there’s no need to name, define or use some ‘correct prayer’. Simply ask, consciously, for the assistance of those beings which are here to help on your own, personal journey. State the difficulties, problems, anxieties or fears you’re experiencing at this moment of your life, and consciously ‘surrender’ or ‘give’ these feelings in offering/tribute to the invisible. Literally picture yourself doing this inside your imagination.

Similarly, ask for guidance on the path. Ask for the elk to show you the way forward through the dark forest.

And closely watch what happens next.




Alexandru Morariu (DerectumArt)
Mythic Writes

Author and Illustrator. Brand: 'DerectumArt', a focus and deep interest in mythology, art, fiction and storytelling.