Mythical Millennial #17: The new kids on the block

Brenda Wong
Mythical Millennial
4 min readFeb 12, 2017

When Trump called Buzzfeed a “failing pile of garbage” the other day, I had to laugh. Two reasons why: firstly, you laugh so you don’t fall into a pit of despair at the state of the world. Secondly, because as the world goes through its peaks and troughs, one thing remains the same. Insecure, extremist people in positions of power fear organisations who champion truth.

In the past two or three years, media startups founded by millennials have been putting 👏 in 👏 the 👏 work 👏 when it comes to providing us with straight up amazing journalism. Today I’d like to highlight my favourite one to watch: Clover Letter. Founded by Liza Darwin and Casey Lewis (in picture), the project was initially an email newsletter (holla) that has now expanded into an app and a desktop archive. I mentioned Teen Vogue’s wokeness in a previous letter to you, and I’m pleased to say that Clover Letter is equally so. Young girls contain multitudes, after all. And when I receive my daily Clover Letter, I can enjoy chat about the Women’s March AND the latest campaign by Converse. No alternative facts to be seen.

Other millennial-powered media organisations I love are: The Skimm, Rookie Mag, Femsplain,The Tempest and The Odyssey Online. Happy reading, y’all.

Have you ever been ‘ghosted’? If you say you haven’t, you’re probably lying, as according to, 80% of millennials (defined here as 18–33 year-olds) have been. Yikes.

In case you haven’t heard of the term, to ‘ghost’ is to break up with someone by simply disappearing out of their lives. It’s apparently becoming a ‘trend’ among us millennials, seeing as we’re more likely to meet a new partner digitally. Apparently, this makes it all the easier to ‘delete’ a person from your dating history.

For once, I’m inclined to agree with the mainstream media. It is incredibly easy to ghost somebody. I’ve done it, my friends have done it, I’ve been the victim of ghosting… there is something to be said about the convenience of having a ‘mark all, delete’ function for your Whatsapps. I mean, it’s a little less dramatic than setting fire to your love notes.

Have you ever been ghosted? Have you done a little ghosting yourself? Do you think it’s unfair that I’ve said it’s a genuinely millennial quirk? (#notallmillennials) I’d love to hear your thoughts — we can keep it by email so it’s between us.

This soothing Sampha song is the musical equivalent of sanctuary.
(No One Knows Me) Like the Piano by Sampha

Watching my pals attend the #NoBanNoWall protests here in London spurred me on to speak my mind. So here it is. I came to the United Kingdom as an immigrant from a Muslim country (Malaysia), and although I’m not Muslim myself, I was absolutely horrified by the thought of Trump’s ban. Thankfully, it’s been blocked (for now), but I doubt the fight’s over.

For those of you who live in the UK, @oawoodward’s excellent Twitter thread is a great resource for fighting any further potential racist immigration executive orders. Elsewhere, the ACLU is where you should be directing your donations, if you happen to live in the US.

There is no such thing as a ‘bad immigrant’. A person should not have to prove they will achieve great things in order to receive asylum for the powers that persecute them. If we do not reflect upon the atrocities of history, we will be doomed to repeat them. Who says millennials don’t care about politics, aye?

See you in two weeks gang,
B x

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Originally published on Mythical Millennial.

