Megasthenes’ Indica: A Look Inside Ancient India

Sarthak Mishra
Mythology Journal
Published in
3 min readMar 7, 2024
Megasthenes as imagined in India-AI Art

Who was Megasthenes?

Megasthenes was a historian and diplomat, serving as an ambassador of Seleucus I Nicator, the Macedonian king to Mauryan Empire in India. Megasthenes resided in the court of Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Mauryan Empire. His work ‘Indica’ provides valuable insights into the geography, culture, society, and wildlife of ancient India. Megasthenes’ meticulous documentation of Indian customs, political structures, and natural history has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of this period. His writings continue to be a vital source for scholars studying ancient India.

Size of India

Map of Ancient India

From ancient times, the Greeks had a knowledge of the vastness of India. India’s dimensions, according to Megasthenes, are 16,000 stadia (2523 km today). Length (North to South): 22,300 stadia (3516.71 km today). And if we compare that to India’s current dimensions: length — 3214 km, breadth — 2523 km,.

Unique Tribes

AI-Generated Image of a member of Tribe

Megasthenes mentions tribes in India, which, according to many, are fantastical tribes named the Scyritae and the Astomi.

The Scyritae Tribe are described as people having no nostrils and legs controlled like snakes. Megasthenes tells us that the Astomi tribes live near the origins of the Ganges, have no mouth, cover their bodies, which are all overly hairy, and only live by breathing; they do not eat any kind of food or drink.
Megasthenes mentioned the tribe Nuloi, which used to reside on Mount Nulus. This tribe was known for having eight toes on each foot, and “their feet are turned backwards.

The 7 Divisions

Megasthenes, in his book, mentions seven divisions of society.

  1. Philosophers: This refers to scholars, priests, or intellectuals involved in philosophical pursuits. They are the first caste, and they perform sacrifices and rituals for people and the king.
  2. Husband-Men: They work for the king and form the bulk of population and are expemted from military service.
  3. Shepherds/Huntsmen: This group dealt with raising livestock and potentially hunting for food.
  4. Traders/Merchants: This category encompasses those involved in commerce and trade.
  5. Fighting Men: This group is maintained at kings expense and are mostly sitting idle and drinking passing their time.
  6. Overseers: This category refer to officials who supervised various aspects of society. They act as spies for king and report what’s happening in
  7. Councillors: This group comprises of advisors or those involved in decision-making processes.

Gold-digging ants

AI Genrated Image of Gold Digging Ants

Megasthenes mentioned gold-digging ants. These ants were described as being as big as dogs or foxes and were believed to dig up gold. They dragged gold in winter and could run at a very fast speed. Megasthenes mentioned that the locals would use clever tactics like leaving out meat to distract the ants before stealing the gold dust they produced.

The idea of gold-digging ants has also been mentioned by other ancient writers, like Herodotus, who described similar creatures living in the high Himalayas.

Largest Tiger

Megasthenes mentions the tiger being twice the size of a lion.

