myth takes

Zeus is Loose

A. Gee
Mythology Journal


Disneyfied deities

image generated by author prompt to GPT

Zeus is loose among the maidens
Hera is beside herself
gets her toga, washes, straightens,
grabs her scepter from the shelf.
God of Thunder, is he really?
He shall see some lightning bolts
Hera’s hardly touchy-feely
when it comes to Zeus’ faults

There! She finds him, in flagrante
and with Hercules’s mum
Shameless, one might say he’s flaunting
Zeus says: Hera, let’s be calm

That’s who he is, king of Olympus.
Had he more control of impulse,
we’d have fewer demigods.

Then again, what are the odds?

What are the odds indeed? According to the research linked above, Zeus was estimate to have at least 92 children, with 41 of them divine, and 51 mortal, or “demigods”. Married to seven immortals, culminating with Hera, and having countless dalliances and liaisons, the king of the gods sure got around — though his accomplishments pale by example to Genghis Khan’s, who counts 0.5% of the world’s population, or even some of fertility industry’s more bizarre…



A. Gee
Mythology Journal

A. Gee has been playing with words since he was little, and has finally been talked into sharing.