Loyalty Bonus & Mytracker UPDATES

Loyalty Bonus & Mytracker UPDATES



Dear MTNT’ers,

For the past few weeks we’ve been in contact with our financial and compliance advisors regarding the Loyalty Bonus that we have planned for our pre-ICO investors. Issuing a Loyalty Bonus last year after an early stage of an Initial Coin Offering would have been easily processed through an airdrop or manual transfer of the tokens to their investors without any incidents due to the lack of regulatory complications.

In the light of recent regulatory actions in crypto-space however, we have to meet compliance regulations to ensure that we are proceeding by the book to ensure that we can work without further legal interruptions. Thus, we would like to apologize for the delay on releasing more info for the investors’ Loyalty Bonus, but we are glad to be sharing with you the info provided below.

Our team is still investigating our options as to the most compliant way to move forward, but we are happy to inform you that we have opted for a fixed bonus of 25% for our investors, regardless of amount invested. Please be advised that in order to be compliant we might have apply some temporary lock-up system, so make sure you hold on to your tokens until further details are released.

Here are two examples of token bonus distribution:

· 50.000 MTNT holder with 25% bonus will be rewarded with 12.500 bonus tokens

· 120.000 MTNT holder with 25% bonus will be rewarded with 30.000 bonus tokens

Take notice that holder defines anyone who holds specific amount, even if they bought from the Waves DEX, and not just the tokens purchased through the pre-ICO. If you feel like purchasing more tokens from the Waves DEX to enhance your holdings and received bonus, you are free to do so.

We would like express our gratitude for the continued support and trust in our team and commit with our full strength for the future development of Mytracknet!

But this is not all we have for you today.

Mytracker Development

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and well, we got two to share with you!

Mytracker prototype

The first Mytracker hardware prototype is ready for testing, and we couldn’t be happier to “leak” them to our community. Unfortunately we cannot unveil much more on the technical specs since work on it is far from finalized but development is going on smoothly.

Mytracker prototype

Stay tuned!

The best has yet to come, be sure you stick to our social media for updates on our next steps and all the upcoming news first hand!

Once again, we would like to thank everyone for your support and commit to strengthen our ties to the community as we move forward!

Interested in Mytracknet?

You are welcome to learn more about us through our official website https://mytracknet.com/ and send us a message if you have any questions through our social media channels:

· https://t.me/Mytracknet_official

· Facebook : Mytracknet

· Twitter : @Mytracknet

· Email: info@mytracknet.com

