Mytracknet August Community Update #1

Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2018

Dear Community,

First of all, we would like to thank everyone that has participated in the Loyalty Bonus Program so far. We have already received nearly 5 million tokens of the 17 million that had been sold during Pre-ICO, and we still have plenty of days until the end of the LBP on the 1st of September 2018.

Please keep in mind that after this date you will no longer be able to participate in the program and only the ones that already signed up for it will be eligible to send their tokens for more bonuses. For more details, please visit:

Roadmap flashback

We would like to take you all back to the starting of this year. After a very successful Pre-ICO we managed to get the funding which was needed to start our project. After the Pre-ICO had finished, we had to start working on our corporate image so we started rebranding Mytracknet. This also resulted us in getting very cool new logo! You cannot rebrand your company without getting a new website, so on the 28th of May we released our new website

Complete website redesign

Team Expansion

In the past 7 months we’ve been making great progress with our project. By doing so, we had to increase our team of experts to keep up with this progress. Since Mytracknet started the Pre-ICO we only had 6 staff members and 2 advisors on the team. As of today, we already have 15 core staff members and 9 advisors! We surely want to keep going this fast without ever losing sight on quality of our product, so we will definitely be looking to expand our team even further after ICO has finished.

Mytracknet Application: Proof of Concept

Next thing on our roadmap is the Mytracknet application which we are using as a Proof of Concept to possible investors/partners. It all starts with our newly designed login screen (Image 1). Here you are able to register an account with Mytracknet. Once finished this will create a personal profile page for you. Once registered, you’re able to login with your e-mail right away. If you prefer to login directly through your Facebook or with your Google account, you can do that as well.

Login Screen

Right after you have logged in, you will be redirected to your personal profile page (Image 2). Here you can go to “My Items” where you can see all the Bluetooth devices (Items) that you have registered to your account. In the future we will also be adding things like personal statistics such as distance traveled, number of items found, how many MTNT tokens you collected and how many you have on your account in total (which you can also hide through Settings). Also, we will be adding things like Achievements (such as 50km traveled with Bluetooth network online, 20 items found etc.). These Achievements will be added to leaderboards which will reward you with some great prizes. More on that later in the ICO ready Whitepaper release.

Profile Page

If you want to register a new item you click on “Make Item” (Image 3). Here you will fill in the name of the item/pet/person together with a detailed description. Also, you can add pictures of the item which might benefit largely if you ever lost it. For example, if you lost your dog Lucy, you don’t want to be searching for pictures on your phone but you want to easily click on it and make sure everyone will be alerted. Once you’re finished, the item will be put in your “My Items” list (Image 4). In this section you can easily click the item you want to look for and it instantly shows on your map.

Item/Tracker lists —Registered Items

If you click on “Missing items”, the maps section will be opened showing your GPS location on the map (Image 5). You will instantly get an update with the latest missing items in your near location (this can also be turned off in settings). Here you can see Lucy has been reported missing and the latest known location is 300 meters away from you. She might still be somewhere in the neighborhood. If you manage to find her, you will be able to collect the €50 bounty! If you click on the bounty, you will also be able to directly communicate with the person to get additional information that might help locate her and discuss where to return the found item.

Missing items in Crowd-GPS interface


As you can see in this article, Mytracknet development has been significant as we progress towards our ICO milestone. Community growth will be another prime goal for the months to come, especially getting as many people as possible familiar with our Telegram channel where our community is based. We will start focusing on spreading the word through all available online channels more, but we also count on our community to attract and inform interested parties as well. If you feel like Mytracknet is an amazing project and it has the possibility to become a great investment by providing real value, be sure to let everyone know!

Final words

We are very humbled by the community’s responses and interest to our forthcoming ICO. Unfortunately, we are still reluctant to share more information on a final date, since we are still assessing lots of different variables, like market stability and partnerships. We would love to start the ICO just as quickly as possible like all of you do, but we really need the time refine our campaign in order to attract the funds possible to continue our project.

We hope we have given you a good insight on what we have been working on very hard lately. We don’t want to spoil everything just yet as we will have a lot more details ready in our ICO ready Whitepaper. Think about the long-awaited Tokenomics of how the MTNT utility token will bring value to the token holders, together with lots of more functions that we have not mentioned yet. Expect more from us in the next weeks.

Interested in Mytracknet?

You are welcome to learn more about us through our official website and send us a message if you have any questions through our social media channels:


· Facebook : Mytracknet

· Twitter : @Mytracknet

· Email:

