Own It: The Story Behind Our New Brand Identity

For too long, stock investing has been an arena reserved for the elite. Times have changed, however, and MyWallSt wants to help everyone secure their own successful financial future. It’s time to Own It.

Laoise Leahy
4 min readJun 18, 2019

Back in January, we made the decision to rename our business and flagship app to MyWallSt. As a team, we were delighted about this change because we believe that our new name encapsulates everything we stand for.

MyWallSt Logo and Tagline

Our new name puts our customer at the centre of everything we do. It solidifies their importance to us and the importance of personally owning your investing life.

By using our apps and services, you are saying that this is my way of creating generational wealth, this is my mechanism to improve my future.

You are saying that this is My Wall St.

Following on from our name change, we have spent the past several months redesigning our brand identity to ensure that it exudes the values of MyWallSt and evokes the three words that best describes us: We are Dependable, Playful, and Expert.

The ‘Circlets’

Our mark — the green ‘circlets’ — are purposively organic in nature. They are not exact circles, rather they are actually hand-drawn to represent the qualities that make MyWallSt different, namely the human-curated approach that we bring to picking stocks.

We don’t use any algorithms or robo-advisors here because we have something that they’ll never have: intuition. Blending the art and science of investing can only be done by humans and building a successful portfolio for the future can only be done by you.

MyWallSt Circlets

Our core belief is that everyone should be empowered to shape and own their financial future. Reflecting a sense of ownership and inclusivity, we have designed the circlets so that they can be hand-drawn by anyone.

Our Tagline

‘Own It.’ — is another part of the brand logo that we’re particularly excited about. In fact, it was actually a runner up in the journey to developing our new brand name.

By choosing to build a successful financial future with MyWallSt, you are stepping into the driving seat and owning your investing life. You are saying…

“I own my financial education.”

“I own my stock portfolio.”

“I own my future.”

Our Color Palette

Our new color palette distinguishes the MyWallSt brand and helps us create a consistent experience for you.

The core palette is made up of five colors with two lead colors: ‘Evergreen’ and ‘Tropical Pop’.

You’ll see these lead colors chiefly on our app icons.

Alongside from ‘Evergreen’ and ‘Tropical Pop’, we have ‘Clementine’ — a soft citrus color, ‘Mango’ — a welcoming and playful yellow, and lastly, ‘Guinness Cream’ which nods to the creamy top on a perfect pint of Guinness, (some of which are enjoyed by the team just a stone’s throw away from our Dublin HQ).

Say Hello to Mabry

Typography plays an essential part in our brand identity. It enables us to bring out the playful and friendly side to our brand while still retaining our dependability and communicating our expertise.

Mabry has a lot of characteristics that make it perfect as the lead typeface for MyWallSt. All at once it exudes many humanistic qualities: it’s forthright and mischievous; cultivated and imprecise; refined and coarse. You’ll mostly see Mabry across our new website which we’re launching very soon.

Feeding back…

If you have any feedback on our new brand identity, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us at any time by emailing hello@mywallst.com, commenting below, or sharing across our social channels.

Here’s to creating a wealthier future you.
It’s your WallSt. Own It.

From all of us at MyWallSt, thank you for choosing to be a part of our community.

Our Team

