MzansiGo’s Moving Chronicles: A Series of Unfortunate Events

MzansiGo blog
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2018

You have to move out in the next 2 days!

We deal with people…a lot of people! And sometimes, we get ourselves a little “too” close to some of the personal and a little unfortunate events that take place in our clients lives. This 1st article in a series of 6, tells some of the events that we felt worth sharing!

This doesn’t happen too often, thankfully we have rules and regulations in place with regards to the notice period that has to be given before you have to evacuate the premises you’re occupying, but sometimes some landlords/ladies are a bit sketchy and put you in that situation…

So, what happens when you’re told you have 2 days to evacuate? What do you do? In the best of circumstances, two days would probably be enough to pack, if you take those 2 days off from work! We all know that’s highly unlikely and why would you want to waste your already few days (15 working days a year, really!?) of entitled leave and waste it on packing? Not to mention finding another place to stay!

Now, this all is probably illegal, and you definitely don’t have to be bullied into evacuating on such short notice. This is why it’s important to be aware of your rights and the regulations that are in place to protect you from situations like these. The article below educates consumers on what their rights are:

Okay, that’s the serious part, but what if you were actually praying for your landlord to pull that dirty on you, because you actually hated the place? Well then, now you need to move!

You have two days to pack and find another place to stay- ready, set, GO! You talked to your mom and she said you can move back in (NO RENT AND HOME COOKED FOOD, Moms are angels, we know) and you found a super affordable place to store most of your things on Sxuirrel. But now, you have to move, and you’re stuck. You have way too much stuff for that friend with a bakkie to move and you really don’t want to lift all the heavy stuff yourself. What to do, what to do?

Make the smart choice, book a load (or three) on MzansiGo and all your struggles are a thing of the past! As an on-demand service, we could do the move for you that same day!



MzansiGo blog

First on-demand pay-per-load moving service in South Africa. We connect you to two background checked, strong movers and a reliable 1.5 ton H100 truck.