3 Steps to a Professional Career on Roblox

Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2020
Vehicle Simulator; https://corp.roblox.com/press-kit/

I have been working as a development contractor on Roblox for many years, and through my experiences I learned how to make enough money to support myself by doing what I love. I have also learned that it isn’t just the big game creators who make money as many think, but an entire community of independent developers making small games for many vibrant and variant niches.

While it isn’t everyone’s goal to make development a full-time job, I want to show the community that it is completely possible if you put in the effort. I want to take the time to outline all of the steps to take in order to be a success on this platform and also to demonstrate how Roblox development is beginning to become a legitimized profession.

Step One: Find Your Passion

“This is a new day, a new beginning.” — Ahsoka Tano

The reason Roblox is so exciting to work with is that there are so many different ways you can express yourself. You can choose to be an artist, a composer, a modeler, an interface designer, and many more areas of creation that are necessary to make games on the platform.

Explore these individual communities and see what areas might interest you. YouTube will show you many different tutorials on how to get started and learn these topics so you can see if you want to continue down that path.

For many years, I was a graphic designer making art for games and user profiles. Over time, I slowly learned how to script and began to become more interested in that. Now I program full-time.

Step Two: Learn Your Discipline

“Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.” — Han Solo

You need to put in the time to explore how every aspect of your work functions. In my experience, doing lots of variant work for different groups of people allowed me to experiment with new ways to do my work. Over time you will see your ability increase with every new creation.

Collaborating with those who work in your profession will allow you to learn new techniques and ways of doing business as well. It is important to build a network of friends who you can ask for help or work on personal projects with.

Before I was good enough to start getting paid for my work, I was constantly making new art and games for fun. It’s always important to have side projects you work on to experiment with new ideas with no consequences.

Step Three: Start Getting Paid

“Mind tricks don’t work on me.” — Watto

You think you’re good enough? Potential employers don’t. When you first start selling your services, don’t expect to receive much. It takes a while to build up a reputation and a solid portfolio to attract the whales.

Once you reach the point where you are finding and receiving more commissions than you can complete, you should raise the prices of your services. This follows the natural supply and demand process, and you should always adhere by it to ensure that you steadily increase the payment for your work over time.

This may seem like a few simple steps, but the journey is never simple. These are only the few key components that I have summarized that I can attribute to my current success. I can say that after 5 years of daily dedicated work on the Roblox platform has yielded me the ability to support myself comfortably with flexible work hours and the best job of my life.

If you would like to see my work, you can view my portfolio here. You can also follow me on Twitter @devmarissa.

