The Revolution is Here: And RAG is Leading the Troops

Anova Young
N23 Studio
Published in
6 min readJun 16, 2024

A Comprehensive Beginners Guide for Engineers and Spartans alike


You’re a warrior, but not just any kind of warrior — you’re a Spartan warrior, the most formidable in all the Mediterranean! As you prepare to defend the pass of Thermopylae from Xerxes’ army, a voice suddenly whispers in your ear, revealing Xerxes’ new strategy and continuously updating you with real-time information.

You glance at your weapons and notice a different sword, crafted from a superior metal. It’s far better than your old one and was created while you slept, seamlessly added to your arsenal. This new weapon gives you the ultimate advantage, ensuring you’re always at your peak performance.

This is the essence of an advanced AI application with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

Welcome to the world of RAG!

This powerful approach can transform AI apps, equipping them with the ability to pull the freshest, most pertinent data to enhance their outputs, just as you, the Spartan warrior, would adapt and excel in battle with unparalleled precision.

In this blog, we’ll dive into what RAG is, how it works, it's incredible applications, and how you can quickly deploy a RAG application using tools like Ray, LangChain, and Hugging Face on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and Cloud SQL. Get ready to conquer the AI landscape with the strength and agility of a true Spartan!

What is RAG?

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a groundbreaking technique designed to improve the outputs of foundation models, such as large language models (LLMs). Instead of solely relying on static knowledge developed during training, RAG-equipped AI applications can retrieve relevant information from an external knowledge base.

This retrieved data is then combined with the user’s prompt before being processed by the generative model, resulting in more accurate and context-aware responses.

The Benefits of RAG

  1. Enhanced Accuracy: By accessing up-to-date and domain-specific data, RAG reduces the likelihood of generating outdated or irrelevant responses. You have climbed the ranks and now you are one of the great generals of Sparta. What they don’t know is you’ve been deploying RAG to ensure you always have the freshest information on the latest battle tactics and enemy positions.
  2. Reduced Hallucinations: Hallucinations in AI refer to instances where a model generates incorrect or nonsensical information that appears plausible because the model believes it needs to come up with at least something. RAG guides LLMs towards factual responses, providing human-verifiable source material. It's essentially someone finally asking you where the voice that keeps giving you all this real-time information on the enemy is coming from! Are you going crazy, or do you have verifiable sources?
  3. Cost Efficiency: Instead of re-training or fine-tuning LLMs with new data, RAG allows the model to access fresh data without the need for extensive retraining. Not only did you get a new weapon, but you automatically got the user manual downloaded to you too.

How RAG Works

A typical RAG application involves two main components:

  1. Retrieval Module: This component searches an external knowledge base for the most relevant data related to the user’s query. These are your scouts.
  2. Generation Module: This is the LLM that uses the retrieved data to generate a response. The knowledge base can be a vector database, traditional search index, or relational database. This architecture allows AI applications to dynamically access and utilize the latest information without requiring constant updates to the LLM itself.

AI Infrastructure for RAG

Deploying RAG applications introduces new and demanding requirements for serving LLMs, processing, and retrieving unstructured data.

Traditional (pre-RAG) application architectures simply cannot meet these demands.

To successfully deploy RAG, you need a robust AI infrastructure. Many organizations prefer managed platforms like Vertex AI, but for those absolute demi-gods who opt for managing their own infrastructure, GKE combined with open-source frameworks like Ray, LangChain, and Hugging Face is a pretty ideal solution.

Key Components of the RAG Infrastructure

  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE): Provides a scalable and secure environment for deploying containerized applications. It’s a fortified stronghold just begging you to try and breach it. (You can’t)
  • Cloud SQL with PostgreSQL and pgvector: Offers a robust database solution for storing and querying vector embeddings.
  • Ray: An open-source framework for parallel and distributed programming, ideal for handling large-scale data processing.
  • LangChain: Facilitates the development of LLM-powered applications. (LangChain is dominating the game right now and is worth checking out!)
  • Hugging Face: Provides powerful tools and models for natural language processing.

Benefits of Using GKE and Cloud SQL

  • Load Data Fast: Ray Data enables seamless access to data in parallel from your Ray cluster via GKE’s ‘GCSFuse driver’. It allows you to load embeddings efficiently into Cloud SQL, you’re quickly resupplying your troops on the march to Athens.
  • Fast Deployment: Quickly deploy Ray, JupyterHub, and Hugging Face TGI to your GKE cluster. We all know the importance of fast deployment and little to no downtime.

If everyone’s on the field, what are we waiting for? Let’s battle!

  • Enhanced Security: Leverage GKE’s Kubernetes security features, including Sensitive Data Protection (SDP) and Google-standard authentication with Identity-Aware Proxy. We’re talkin’ Spartan level security. . .

Need I say more?

  • Cost Efficiency: GKE reduces cluster maintenance and allows the use of cost-saving measures like spot nodes. Constantly thinking about cost-effective measures is tedious, but important! Pennies add up quickly, even for Spartans.
  • Scalability: GKE automatically provisions nodes as traffic grows, eliminating the need for manual scaling. This is the bare minimum because who is manually scaling in 2024?

Real-World Applications of RAG

  • Customer Service Chatbots: Long gone are the days of waiting on hold! RAG-powered chatbots can dynamically retrieve information from help center articles to provide accurate and context-aware responses to customer queries. And thank the gods, because I’m not sure when we collectively agreed upon the coma-inducing hold music side of our society — but I’m more than ready to leave it behind.
  • Digital Shopping Assistants: These assistants can access product catalogs and customer reviews in real-time, offering personalized shopping recommendations based on the latest data.
  • AI-Powered Travel Agents: Travel agents using RAG can deliver up-to-date flight and hotel information, ensuring users receive the most current and relevant travel options. I mean, take a carriage or something Spartans, do we need to walk everywhere?


RAG represents a significant leap forward in the capabilities of AI applications. By combining retrieval with generation, it allows LLMs to provide more accurate, context-aware, and verifiable responses. Now, imagine you’ve finally reached the Pass of Thermopylae but now you are equipped with the power of GKE, Cloud SQL, Ray, LangChain, and Hugging Face. Why, you could quickly deploy some seriously robust and game-changing RAG applications, paving the way for an entirely new generation of AI solutions — all while keeping those pesky Persians out of Athens!

Needless to say, RAG is pretty much the present heavyweight champ, until a new technique blows this one out of the water.

And when that inevitably happens, you know who to come to and where to find me.

That’s all for now, until next time!

It is not the mountains we conquer but ourselves

- King Leonidas



Anova Young
N23 Studio

I am a tech writer, engineer, and startup founder. Whether you're a business owner learning new AI tools or a student in tech my page is for all who love AI!