Sam Altman in London on World Tour with OpenAI

Anushka Sharma
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2023

Everyone is talking about Generative AI (GenAI) and the centre of it all is OpenAI the driving force behind it is Sam Altman (CEO) who is currently on a world tour to engage with the masses. I bagged one of the hottest tickets at an event at UCL which took place yesterday, I got to witness the energy and take a ‘temperature check’ of over 900 students, academics, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Walking up from Euston, I saw the queue as it ran down the block as we all patiently lined up excited, nervous, and anticipating the main event.

I can’t recall another event like this in recent times where it felt like diaries had been cleared and phones put away as we soaked up every moment of the interview by azeem Azhar as he and Sam discussed the impact of AI ahead of the panel with academics David Barber, Yvonne Rogers, and entrepreneur Margaret McCabe.

Azeem interviews Sam Altman at UCL pic by Anushka Sharma

I couldn’t have been prouder to be witnessing the interview and the panel discussion that followed. Funny story is that UCL hosted the event as a few months back I had been punting the opportunity around key organisations and my trusted network working across AI. I saw that this was an incredible opportunity and I was thrilled that UCL followed through and Open AI chose them! Being a connector is very much a soft skill and often quite an invisible role. I am chuffed to bits that my part in yesterday will impact so many of us! The best thing is that the majority of the audience was made up of students who very much represent the future. Boom.

See below the crowds as they crowded around Sam as the event wrapped.

Pic by Anushka Sharma — Sam Altman, CEO of Open AI mobbed by students at UCL



Anushka Sharma
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