To the Moon and Beyond

Anushka Sharma
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2022

We have liftoff! Go NASA, go Artemis and it’s a big go for collaboration in cislunar space!

It’s hard not to feel emotional about this morning’s NASA Artemis launch after so many delays. Ushering a new era in the exploration of the Moon and a future towards Mars. Collaboration will be at the heart of this new space age and I’m proud to be a part of the space ecosystem witnessing this moment.

Here’s to celebrating Goonhilly Earth Station based in Cornwall which will be providing comms support for NASA Artemis and will be working with ESA Operations #Estrack deep space antennas to track up to 6 of the mission’s CubeSats (there are 10 in total) the team at Goonhilly’s ground station will receive signals from #Orion!

It’s been a brilliant start to the day and the start of the next 26 days of milestones as the Orion capsule will head to the Moon after a few days, it will orbit the moon and then return to Earth on the 11th December. The whole mission is a crucial test ahead of Artemis 2 which will involve astronauts in the Orion capsule travelling to the Moon.

Today is a historic milestone in our collective future as we go back to the Moon and onto Mars. I hope if you get the chance to read this post that is something you can take away with you and contemplate. I am so passionate that the outcome of today’s launch will boost and inspire children to consider STEM subjects or ignite an interest in a job in the space industry.

Here is to inspiring future talent no matter how young or old into a career in the space sector which will be built by the fresh minds and perspectives that join our industry to propel innovation and application of technologies to drive a collaborative future for all of humanity.

Nush — Founder of Naaut you can follow me on Twitter and my adventures @naaut_
Co-founder of London Space Network

#future #collaboration #technology #space #startups #scicomms #NASAArtemis #cislunar #Moon #Mars



Anushka Sharma
Editor for

Founder, Naaut 🚀 [ innovation * frontier technology * execution ]