Popular Interview Questions for .Net Developers You Need to Know ⚡

Oguz Evrensel
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2024

Interviews are very important in the software world, and they should not be overlooked. Today, I have compiled for you the interview questions that every .Net developer should know, based on my personal experiences and research in the .Net world. I hope you find them useful. Happy Reading))

1- What Are The Main Differences Between .NET Core and .NET Framework ?

.Net core is a free open-source development platform designed and developed by Microsoft that is used to develop general-purpose cloud-based software applications which are cross-platform that can be executed on Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.

.Net framework is a development platform for coding and executing applications on Windows.

In summary,

.Net Core is the up-to-date version of .Net Framework which is free, open-source, cross-platform (can be executed on Windows, Mac OS, Linux), and is been used to develop modern applications. Whereas .Net Framework is a platform that is used to develop ASP.NET applications that execute based only on Windows.

2- Could You Explain The SOLID Principles ?

SOLID principles are guidelines for object-oriented design to make software more maintainable and extendable.

  1. Single Responsibility: A class should have one reason to change, meaning it should perform a single job.
  2. Open/Closed: Entities (classes, modules, functions) should be open for extension but closed for modification.
  3. Liskov Substitution:The parent class must be able to be replaced by any derived class without causing errors in the program.
  4. Interface Segregation: Each class should only implement the interfaces that will actually be used.
  5. Dependency Inversion: High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both must rely on abstractions.

3- What Is The Concept Of LINQ (Language Integrated Query) In .NET?

LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) is a feature in .NET that allows developers to perform powerful queries and manipulate data from different data sources using a unified syntax. It provides a consistent and intuitive way to work with various data sources, including collections, databases, XML documents, and more.

We can apply LINQ to query the database using an ORM such as Entity Framework.Each LINQ query will be converted into an SQL query and executed on the database.

4- What Is Unit Testing, And Why Is It Important In Software Development?

Unit testing is a way to check the smallest parts of an application, like functions or methods, to see if they work right. Each test runs on its own and checks if a component does what it’s supposed to do.

Unit testing is very important because it:

  • Finds Bugs Early: Catches errors before the software gets too complex.
  • Makes Code Reusable: Tested and proven code blocks can be safely reused.
  • Eases Changes: Allows for safely making improvements in the code since tests confirm changes don’t break anything.
  • Leads to Better Design: Encourages creating modular and independent classes, leading to cleaner code.
  • Speeds Up Development:Fixing bugs early on speeds up the development process and cuts down on maintenance costs.

5- How do the async and await keywords in C# facilitate asynchronous programming?

The async and await keywords in C# enable the writing of asynchronous code, which allows operations to run concurrently without blocking the executing thread. This enhances the performance and responsiveness of applications.

  • The async keyword marks a method as asynchronous, indicating that it can perform asynchronous operations.
  • The await keyword is used within an async method to suspend its execution until the awaited task completes, effectively waiting for the task to finish without blocking the main thread.

This approach simplifies the implementation of asynchronous programming in C#, making it more efficient and easier to maintain.

Thank you for reading, Happy Coding 👍



Oguz Evrensel

Software Engineer at SGS (Eastern Europe Middle East) via Nacres Software Technology