識別不義 — — 不義遺址視覺標誌與紀念物示範設計• 逆旅AR

Nai-Chen Yang
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2020

Indicate Injustice: Proposals for Visual Identity and Memorial Object of Monuments of Injustice•Reverse Journey AR

作品編導與製作 Director, Scriptplay & Producer

2018/9/22–2018/10/17 台灣人權博物館(National Human Rights Museum)





擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)科技在現實空間中即時疊加資訊、讓使用者透過沈浸式互動參與敘事的特性,觸發我透過作品《逆旅》再現白色恐怖歷史中難以透過文字再現的情境。《逆旅》因而欲透過時空疊合的形式,讓體驗者回到受難者曾「客居」的空間。體驗者戴上AR眼鏡後,他將看見白色恐怖受難者蔡焜霖前輩的身影出現在眼前。前輩將帶領受難者經歷他被關押在保安司令部、保密局、軍法處、新店看守所、綠島新生訓導處等地的過程。體驗者將親歷前輩當年身陷囹圄的視角,感受獄中窄仄無助的情境。最後,體驗者亦能夠留下聲音記錄在資料庫中,與前輩們和其他體驗者分享重歷這段生命故事的心境。

In classical literature, “reverse journey” means “a temporary residence for travelers” or refers to the transience of human existence. In the long history, Taiwan’s White Terror history seems to be a flash of light, but for the victims and their relatives, those “instant moments” have violently intruded on their lives.

Every time I participated in the guided tour of White Terror history and visited places that bring about anguish with White Terror victims, their eagerness to describe the vanished unjust sites and reconstruct scenes of great suffering with words always made me feel sorrowful.

How incompetent spoken language and words are? What the victims have underwent, especially the sounds they heard and their physical experiences, are beyond the scope of signifiers in a language.

Augmented Reality (AR) technology superimposes information on real spaces, allowing users to immerse in the situation and participate in the narrative. This feature inspires me to reproduce the scenes in White Terror history that are difficult to be reproduced through words. In the work Reverse Journey,time overlaps with spaces, and visitors are allowed to return to the spaces where the victims once “resided.” After wearing AR headsets, visitors see the figure of White Terror victim, Tsai Kun-Lin, appear in front of them. He leads vistors to visit Taiwan Garrison Command, Secrecy Bureau, Martial Law Camp, Xindian Detention Center, and Green Island New Life Correction Center, in a chronological order of his being detained and put in prison. Visitors can experience the helpless situation and the feeling in a confined and overcrowded jail from Mr. Tsai’s perspective. At the end, visitors can leave a voice message in the database to share what they have learned with Mr. Tsai and other visitors.


