How to create a NAIZ personality for your chatbots

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4 min readFeb 12, 2018


One of the most significant problems that conversational interfaces face is tackling small talk and not answering “Sorry, I don’t understand”. Users get frustrated all the time, and the worst: they don’t come back to your chatbot.

But why? Because a chatbot is not a chatbot if it can’t talk! Personality is the UX for conversational interfaces, and it is crucial to design and implement it in your creations.

NAIZ ( is a platform that provides a personality and emotional layer to your chatbot automatically. Now, you can connect NAIZ with your chatbot in Chatfuel, Dialogflow or using our API.

Having a chatbot personality creates a more human-like conversation with your users.

NAIZ will process the unknown user inputs that your chatbot receives and does not understand. Right now, NAIZ recognizes more than 20 different chit-chat intents in English. All the expressions answered by NAIZ correspond to a personality trait, and they are classified by mood.

Want to know more about this? Let’s create your first personality with NAIZ. Sign up here and continue reading.

How-to guide (5 minutes)

1) Start with a template

Choose a template for a personality trait (Dashboard)

At the “Dashboard”, select an existent personality trait with our templates (friendly, politeness, patience).

2) Add personality information

Add information to your personality profile (Personality)

In “Personality”, customise the template of the personality profile adding relevant information. In the “Profile” area provide a name, a welcome message, age, location, hobbies and scope (what your chatbot does, in the field “I can help you with”) of your personality. This information will be used by NAIZ to answer the user. In “Traits”, you can also add more personality traits to any template.

3) Tune personality answers

Delete, modify or create new expressions answered by your personality (Expressions)

In “Expressions”, tune the utterances your personality will answer. First, check what user intents NAIZ can understand (smalltalk expressions) and answer (aka NAIZ intents). Then you can add new expressions or edit the expressions loaded by default with the personality trait. A expression is classified by trait, NAIZ intent, mood and type. This is what your personality is going to answer.

4) Test and adapt

Test what your personality answers to small talk conversations (Testing area)

Test your personality in the “Testing area” and tune the NAIZ profile and expressions. You can test it from “Personality” (once you save all the information of your personality) or from “Expressions”.

5) Connect with your chatbot

Connect your personality with your Chatfuel chatbot following the instructions (Connections)

In “Connections” you connect the personality you’ve just customized with your chatbot. The instructions to connect are provided in that section if your chatbot is built using Chatfuel, Dialogflow, etc. Or just follow these instructions 👇👇

Example of connecting NAIZ and Chatfuel

Besides, you will find at the “API” tab a personalized endpoint URL to use NAIZ with requests from your own code.

Once finished, you will have NAIZ managing all the answers not understood by your own chatbot.

Contact with us ( in case you need help to connect NAIZ and your chatbot.

6) Test it!

Try smalltalk expressions in your chatbot (Facebook Messenger)

If you connected your chatbot with Chatfuel, open a chat conversation in Facebook Messenger and start talking to it. NAIZ manages the chit-chat between your users and your chatbot easily.

Is that all?

Yes, that’s all folks! In 5 minutes you have added a personality to your existent chatbot, isn’t it easy?

Watch our how-to guide video with more details here:

Try NAIZ with your chatbot and share your feedback with us.

Comment below and clap if you liked it!

Sign up here:

(Only during our beta, we are giving away one NAIZ personality)



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🤖Emotional intelligence and personality for #chatbots 📌 -


Written by NAIZ (

Emotional intelligence and personality for chatbots #naizchat

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