Nakamoto’s Den: Investment Battleslots Free of Charge

Simon Moser
Nakamoto’s Den
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2019

Dear Nakamotians,

Last week we announced the beginning of our ticket sale on the official Nakamoto’s Den website. At the moment we are still offering Early Bird tickets that come with a precious discount of 15 percent and can be purchased only until the 9th of January. Furthermore, the first agenda draft of Nakamoto’s Den and an updated list of speakers are now available on the website.

Today, we are very excited to communicate another, almost revolutionary, announcement with you. As stated on our website and in our press releases, the heart of the Nakamoto’s Den conference is a live investment battle, where 16 international digital startups and post-ICO projects have the valuable opportunity to compete against each other in front of thoughtfully picked judges, as well as venture capitalists and investment family offices. Once a project fulfills all the relevant characteristics that are important for a thrilling and interesting battle, the company behind it will be rewarded with a battle slot and a booth at the Nakamoto’s Den expo floor.

For the sake of fairness, open-mindedness, and for an exciting competition, the Nakamoto’s Den team has decided to stand against the current of most blockchain events and will, therefore, award all 16 battle slots completely free of charge to the most promising applicants. Digital startups and post-ICOs are from now on able to propose their project to the battle committee, which will announce the final participants in early February 2019.

A direct link for applying as a digital startup can be found here, whereas post-ICOs are able to apply here.

We have more exciting news to share in the following week, so stay tuned on our social media profiles and watch out for another major announcement in the coming days.

The Nakamoto’s Den team is working hard to provide the best possible experience for our amazing community this 19th and 20th of February 2019. Make sure you get your tickets as long as the Early Bird discount is still valid and if you are a digital startup or post-ICO, what are you still waiting for?

See you in February,

The Universal Crypto team.

