You have the right to pursue pleasure.
We have always believed that pleasure is a human right. And pleasure comes in many forms. We believe in the right to knowledge through accurate and inclusive sex education. We believe that sex work is work and must not be treated as lesser than any other work. We believe in the power of curiosity and the right to sexploration that does not do harm.
Here’s where that starts — knowing your rights:
You have the right to pursue pleasure.
Period. And no one can take that away from you.
You have the right to explore what pleasure means to you.
Stimulate your senses — through touch, taste, smell, sex, mind-altering substances, or anything else that excites you. Seek pleasure, and don’t apologize for wanting it.
You have the right to orgasm.
And that means whatever it takes to get you there. No faking here. Let’s close the gap.
You have the right to be represented. You have a right to see yourself.
No matter your race, gender identity, age, ability or religion.
You have the right to self-pleasure.
Mast-ur-ba-tion. It’s good for you. Say it loud and proud.
You have the right to be curious.
Sexuality is about exploration. We believe in being comfortable and curious enough to try something new.
You have the right to ask questions.
We believe in accurate and non-judgemental sex education. No question is a bad one.
You have the right to (enthusiastic) consent.
No always mean no, period. But if the answer is yes, shout it from the rooftops and be proud.
You have the right to play.
Playboy is about play, after all. So feel free!
An important step in this direction is closing the orgasm gap. Because people with vulvas are 30% less likely to reach orgasm during sex, and we think it’s time someone did something about it. We encourage you to learn what pleasure means to you, with and without your partner(s). It’s different for each of us, and you can’t tell someone what you want if you don’t know yourself.
Welcome to Pleasure for All. It’s about time you came.