3D content for your website? Let’s go!

Jennifer Le Van
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2020

Nowadays, we all experience this “stay-at-home” order because of this corona-situation. Take this opportunity to spend some Me-time, concentrate on yourself and develop new competencies and/or experiences.

You’ve always been interested in providing a new experience on the web?

If the answer is YES, try out Naker.io! We are a platform enabling anyone to design and display 3D interactive content for websites without coding. You can build an interactive background, form or a whole 3D storytelling experience with our tools. It’s free to use and easy to implement on any CMS or website! So subscribe to Naker and start with our tool Naker.Story to create your first interactive story.

Why start with Naker.Story?

Naker.Story is our most powerful tool and enables to create a fully new experience on the web which interacts and moves via the scroll and mouse-hover. Display your product in 3D, create an immersive learning experience or build even a new advertisement/marketing campaign, … All of this might increase up to 30% the time spent on your webpage, increase by 8times the click-through-rate and even boost up to 20% the purchase rate on your e-commerce platform. You just need to import or choose a 3D model from the existing libraries and build the whole story around it.

Watch this quick demo of Naker.Story

Is it complex? You don’t need any pre-knowledge about 3D neither technical ones #nocode. We didn’t mention it yet but we delivered a new version of its interface a few weeks ago. This new version provides a simpler interface, straightforward vocabulary and new features that facilitate the creation of any 3D interactive story (another detailed article about it will follow 😉).

In the following 2-minutes' video, you’ll find out the purpose of our platform and quickly discover the main functionalities of Naker.Story. This may help and encourage to start with 3D and create your own interactive web content in a few minutes.

Watch this video to understand better the purpose of Naker and discover its interface.

As you might have seen, the interface is composed of 4 main aspects:

  • The 5 main tabs: Environment, Content, Interactivity, Journey and Caption. Each tab has a specific task, refer to the adequate tab in order to execute the desired action.
  • The selection panel (on the left)which displays all the elements available in your interactive scene. You can easily duplicate, remove or group them.
  • The properties panel (on the right) which depends on the object and tab you’ve selected. You usually always will find the coordinates of your element and then find all the possible options related to the tab.
  • The bottom bar allows visualizing the customer journey by clicking in the different SceneViews. Throughout the creation of your 3D scene, you’ll be able to check this bottom bar to see the end-result of each SceneView when you’ll proceed to any significant modification.

What’s next?

  1. Subscribe for free at https://app.naker.io and try Naker.Story right now.
  2. Need any help in creating a story? Follow our second tutorial which guides you step-by-step in reproducing the Apple Airpods Pro Landing Page with Naker.Story. Valentin, our CEO, explains how to create this 3D scene from scratch and how to easily integrate it into a Webflow website. However, any web content made with Naker can be implemented everywhere (any CMS, any website).
  3. You still have some questions or you’d like to suggest other tutorial topics? Feel free to ping us in the app or send us an email ❤️
  4. Don’t hesitate to share with us your projects, we are always happy to discover and share them with our community and among our communication channels 😊

Looking forward to seeing you on Naker and become part of our community!



Jennifer Le Van
Writer for

COO @ Ludus, limitless creativity for your presentations. #startup #digitalnomad