#CWW — Cool Website of the Week 34 : Sobieski

Nicolas Jacques
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2018

First episode of a column that is important to us. Each week we will highlight the interactive digital experience that has impressed us the most. Made by the advertiser or by an agency, in France or elsewhere, this section wants to show that the web can be cool again.

A real interactive digital experience proposed by Sobieski with SID LEE Paris and Merci Michel

The Brand:
Sobieski is a Polish vodka brand created in 1846 in the name of a Polish national hero, Jean III Sobieski. It belongs to the French group Marie Brizard which produces in particular the William Peel whisky and the Fruits and Wine very appreciated on the beaches of France and Navarre.

After a re-branding at the beginning of the year with Dragon Rouge, Sobieski will use this new digital strategy to boost its sales in France, Poland and the US.

The website:
As required by law, we land on an interface asking us if we are of legal drinking age. First surprise, this Digital Experience contains sound! We hear perfectly the sound of the red cups on the floor.

The main red page offers a 3D space that contains:

  • On the left, 3 large menu titles: Product / History / Cocktails
  • In the center, A large interactive space where you can have fun with red cups and ping pong balls #beerpongspirit
  • At the top right, a progress bar for exploring the site
  • Below, the possibility to participate in a game of Vodka Pong

This 3D Digital Experience was soberly accompanied by the mention:
Experience the no bullshit. Lots of fun, not that much content.
It is clear that the site is minimalist and knows how to get to the point. We particularly like the progress bar which has the effect of stirring our curiosity. I spent 15 minutes on the site and I barely exceeded 25%…

Why it’s cool:

Spending 15 minutes on a spirits website has never happened to me, and probably not to you either. On average, according to Orson.io, we spend a little over 2 minutes on each site, and the average rebound rate is 40%. It is obvious that the statistics of this site will be well above these averages.

Interactivity and fun arouse your visitors’ curiosity and will push them to stay longer, and therefore to capture more information. In the same way, the commitment is much stronger and I can bet that against other classic showcase sites, the Sobieski vodkas one will remain more anchored in one’s imagination.

Lots of fun, not that much content finally corresponds quite well to what one can expect from a vodka website targeting of young adults. Thanks to this website, Sobieski, SID LEE and Merci Michel succeed the tour de force to convert the too classic Beer Pong by a more epic Vodka Pong!

Find the website here

The Agencies:

  • Sid Lee Paris is a 360 agency based in North America & France.
  • Merci Michel is a Digital Production House based in Paris. We will talk about them in the future as they already have a solid list of 3D experiences on their portfolio.

