Naker integrates Sketchfab

Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2019

Since the beginning, we have wanted to make things easy and simple for our users. We have continuously added features and tools in order to offer the best Editor available on the web. Today this is an API we are launching and one special as it is Sketchfab, the world’s largest 3D library on the web.


As alban denoyel, the founder of Sketchfab often says, we reach a big milestone when content meets technology and one can not work without the other. This is why we already integer libraries like Giphy or Unsplash so that you can easily find a lot of content to add in your Naker’s Intales (Interactive Digital Tales). Now with Sketchfab, this is a new world of asset which becomes available directly from Naker.Story Engine. And not any asset as this is the 3D model and Sketchfab counts more than 3 millions of them. Imagine the possibilities!

Skecthfab has contributed since a long time in making 3D accessible online and we share the same vision on the potential of 3D content online. This new type of visualization brings a lot of opportunities and possibilities as we saw in that previous article: Why 3D is the future of the Internet?
This is why this integration is really important for us in order to break the barrier of creation online and allow 3D experts and 3D newbies to express their creativity anywhere on the web.


Actually, it was already possible to add model from Sketchfab, you add to go to the platform, search for a model, download and save it on your computer then go to Naker and push it in order to upload in your story. Plus doing that, you add no easy way to comply with the Sketchfab Creative Common License

Now you just have to make a search directly in Naker Editor then click on the model you want to import and this is it! Naker will take care of all the rest, we will even automatically save the creator of the model and a link to his work in order to be compliant with the Sketchfab license. This information can be seen from the menu of the Naker.Story viewer.

Plus as you can in the image above, when you search a model, there is a link beside each model. This link will send you to the Sketchfab viewer so that you can have a look at the model. Thus, you will be sure the model matches your needs before importing it.

Note that before being able to import models from Naker, you must be logged in to Sketchfab. You can do that from your account parameters in the Naker dashboard and don’t worry, we will lead you to that page if you are not logged in.

Then what?

Register here and show us what you can build thanks to that integration and how it helps you make the web cool again of course ;)



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2015 🏙️ Founder @BonDeVisite => 2016 🕹️ Creator @Wazana_io => 2018 💎 Founder/CEO Naker