It’s time to #BuildOurAfrica 🚀

Benjamin Fernandes
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2020

We’re embarking on an exciting new journey, with a global African community at the heart.

I’m excited to share the news that we’ll be launching a new money transfer app this Autumn 2021, for Africans living in the UK who send money back home to friends and family.

After 2 years of building one of East Africa’s most loved personal finance apps and a community of 250,000+, it’s time to accelerate our efforts on something with global impact. We’re working on a product that has the potential to improve the financial lives of millions of African people across the world.

Those of you living and working far from home are no strangers to sacrifice. I remain in awe of the strength and resolve it takes to go months, years, (maybe decades!) without having the chance to head home for a cooked meal or a hug. All in the name of a better future for yourself, and your loved ones. That’s why we’re on a mission to ensure you get the most from every penny you send or receive using NALA. To ensure that sacrifice feels worthwhile every single day.


Payment across borders is hard, heavily regulated, and therefore, expensive. Last year alone, the African diaspora paid nearly $3.4 billion dollars in fees to send money to their loved ones. Every time you send money using NALA, you enable us to build infrastructure to make these payments cheaper than alternatives. This is why the movement of Africans globally is so critical to our success.

A snippet of our story and why this matters.

We’re just at the beginning of this journey, and we can’t do this by ourselves! Here’s how you can get involved.

Join the online community & waitlist

Firstly, please head over to where you can sign up to our waitlist for early access and be the first to try out the app and give us feedback when we launch. In the coming weeks, we’ll be thinking carefully about what we build next and how we create a truly game-changing money transfer service around your needs and ambitions.

What does your perfect money-sending experience look like? Added security? Loyalty points? Smart ways to schedule payments? Savings for your loved ones? No idea is too wild, and we want to hear from you! Book in a virtual coffee with the team and get involved with the polls we’ll be posting on Twitter!


We’d love for you to join the conversation around #BuildOurAfrica. This hashtag came from a belief I hold where at the end of the day, Africans will build our Africa, the way we want it. More money is sent home through money transfers by the diaspora in comparison to the amounts sent by aid organizations.

This is a movement, powered by you, built by us.

I’m so excited for us to support a global community who are rewriting the narrative around Africa’s future, through NALA. You inspire me daily, and I can’t wait for us to build something amazing as one.

Stay tuned for news of the launch date on our Twitter and Instagram, and if you’re on the waitlist, check your inbox for progress updates from me! ❤️

Benjamin Fernandes

NALA Founder and CEO



Benjamin Fernandes
Writer for

Building @NALAmoney. Join the movement 💪🏽 #BuildOurAfrica | Y-Combinator W19 | Stanford MBA | Harvard Govt. | Romans 12:2