Lucky NAMA Survey winners to get $500 BUSD

Kay Wei
NAMA Finance
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2022

[UPDATED ON 7th June]: The rewards have already been distributed to all below winners on BSC Mainnet.

Thanks to everyone who filled out our recent survey.

We have got a lot of extremely valuable feedback, this will help us build our product better.

We are also glad to announce our lucky winners that will share our $500 BUSD. Please find if your wallet address is listed at the bottom of this page.

Also glad to mention that our new app UI is live and the fully functional app features will be publicly available soon, and we’ll have the second Testnet testing event soon, please stay updated.

Congratulations to the following lucky winners:

0xcf10fe1ad2eee7ce5f83767c8b0c77df5857b64d 0xd996efF75E43357F04E3f37D61EF6A6851A0b8f1 0x1B25de53fc49beC152e74d9B96Ef110843F1d521 0xB0574EE952F53F65E738f2370a70625f986EeFb6 0x14295C14a5Cf6a2af70e1D53EC16A226912db5dc 0x8600aFfE5B3c2C8817B98B0d7a17777d4C83F07B 0xa5eC372fd8AB93bdD2F700B24EC7069173E20F7D 0x83670493F9d00d8F3573Fd5Ee96502B38A79eeC9 0xEaee5078a0B45ffE0C3d64c19fC6F2c9646981f0 0x8bfd5E2A6Ac78F3541B347c08F397039d08a1287 0x0eDAE6BdeBA87f314B6128557F85C609830f2819 0x048fb43a47CAAccFbb1eA46CF28c188a85316e8B 0x63221FC8A39CE26015C675aAa6D7B40091FeD7ee 0x2D11464F835e98888D18F0768E8fFAC7365a49ee 0x1c1F122F20e291f8373716797aEE6A71110fC832 0x3Cf139488F5E6D536836Fc5Ae5Ca173Cf07719fC 0xa5eC372fd8AB93bdD2F700B24EC7069173E20F7D 0xC7F89CC5580B8b5cE042C5d4Fc49D24d4ec689A1 0xf144fcebdb84fD3Bc070108673D6290940AAD756 0x00D4Fd6135e4cA4Ef67446Bcd8A23b7EfDAc099E 0x246eeE45afd8FC93526770431e46cE8c165f97cc 0xf6708aA2b6B7e5F4FD161910C73b5EA9a362767F 0xEb01fF124D71b6C7E6613fd6E0A86c28C733F008 0x39506652F68681BC1e3a9dbb0075b1CF3bE4dF86 0xc4bE5Db834Ba894b1C2F7B2Dc4fA453099A599bA 0x654eA3974935C69bb080927767601b8071447aa8

NOTE: Please contact us by end of 6th June UTC, if you think you’re eligible to be part of the winner list but not listed above.

