NAMA <> Metaverse

NAMA Finance
Published in
7 min readOct 27, 2021
Image: From bravenewcoin


❤️We are going to release our unique NAMA NFT!!❤️


Introduction 🥳🥳

NAMA is going to list on Pancakeswap and Uniswap exchange soon!!!

This is the moment we have been waiting for so long since day one.

Thanks to you all our dear community members, we cannot make this far without your support.

It is not only a good time to reward the past but also a great chance to look forward to the prospect, so we would like to invite you all to join this campaign which unites the past and the future:

We will dive into detail about the following topics:

1. Brief introduction of NAMA NFT

2. Integration with Metaverse


4. More details about NAMA NFT

1. Brief Summary

NAMA Protocol is a cross-chain lending protocol that empowers borrowers to use any on-chain assets as collateral to get loans from across blockchain networks, and lenders to stake stablecoins to lending pools to get high yield farming and gain attractive interest while lending to borrowers.

With our own unique NAMA NFT, we can use it as a bridge and establish a better and deep integration with dozens and hundreds of metaverse projects, gamings, and dApps out there.

It is like a magic key that allows the NAMA universe to always stay on top of the entire metaverse and NFT ecosystem to provide financial services and stay in line with the latest trend.

In terms of the artistic value, the NAMA NFTs themselves are carefully thought and exclusively designed. They come along with a high value of collecting as NFT arts themselves and are potential can be more valuable as project keep developing.

We will release below 3 classes of NAMA NFT on BSC Mainnet, and more details about them will be elaborated in the last part of this article:

Class Gold: “Branch” — Gold partner with NAMA

Class Platinum: “Commercial Center” — Platinum partner with NAMA

Class Business: MYSTERY!!! (Special edition for LP providers)

2. Integration with Metaverse

2.1 What is Metaverse

Metaverse is a fully-fledged digital world where every single human being can gather together no matter it’s for meetings, gaming, or just hanging out with friends from all over the world.

Interactive and world-building games such as Second Life, Fortnite, Minecraft, and Roblox, etc. all have elements of the metaverse. There, users can work and collaborate, attend events, and exchange real-world money for virtual goods and services.

Thus far, however, those games have been largely self-contained. Metaverse visionaries predict a virtual universe where one might move seamlessly between these different types of digital worlds. Users could even retain the same virtual identity — in the form of a digital avatar — and capital they own in one world would hold the same value in another. Everyone would pay with a universally accepted digital currency.

Decentraland and Cryptovoxel are good examples of Metaverse to plan in the future.

2.2 What NAMA NFT can do with Metaverse:

Channel Partner:

As a NAMA NFT holder, you are able to become a channel partner of the NAMA project.

For example, in the virtual world or to say “Metaverse”, like Decentraland, and Cryptovoxel. Users can click and interact with anything they see in the Metaverse, which means you can build/draw your NFT(or anything related to it) as buildings on a piece of land you own or as images on the billboard, in the art gallery wall, or even become a logo painted on top of the build or outside of the wall.

If you have the “Commercial center” class of NAMA NFT, congratulations you are the Platinum partner with NAMA Protocol. If you’re possessing a piece of land in the metaverse then you can construct buildings with one or a few floors, use some of the areas as an exhibition or entry for NAMA business or features, when people play around within your buildings, they can interact with NAMA protocol without leaving the Metaverse, and you will hence receive commissions and rewards from their transactions. The commissions and rewards are higher than the “Branch” category.

From: Decentraland. Edited by NAMA

If you have a “Branch” class of NAMA NFT then you are the Gold partner with NAMA. You could use that NFT to build buildings or images in a game or metaverse, you can put the images on the billboard or in the gallery wall so that anyone sees that can click on it and redirect to the NAMA dApp with your unique reference ID (NFT tokenId) and you will receive commissions and rewards from their transactions.

Beyond that, you could even build your own network in the Metaverse with the “Commercial Center + Branches” model if you own both these 2 classes of NAMA NFTs, you could set up them as a flexible “Center + Branches” combination. For example, in a crypto game, you can setup a commercial center in the central point and branches in the different maps/levels to make the players interact with the NAMA protocol with ease. In contrast with other single classes, you’ll earn more.

From: Cryptovoxels. Edited by NAMA
From: Cryptovoxels. Edited by NAMA


It is also the right time to start the DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) for the NAMA protocol.

Those who hold NAMA NFTs will be automatically part of NAMA DAO and will be able to govern and vote for the future of the NAMA project.

4. More details about NAMA NFT:

Class Gold: “Branch”

Branch Draft, subject to change in the future

This category of NFT looks like a bank branch which is one single build but can do anything and everything that a bank can do.

Holders of this category of NFT will be able to gain commission and reward as a NAMA Gold Channel Partner, for the basic transactions with their reference by default.
More info is yet to come on this.

Holders of this category of NFT will be able to join NAMA DAO can govern the future of the NAMA Protocol.

Holders of this category of NFT will enjoy APY between 20% and 40% for their lockup period of the NAMA token.

You have to stake 10,000 NAMA tokens with 6 months lockup followed by 12 months liner release to be eligible to mint this class of NFT for free.

Max supply 10,000 NFTs in this category.

Class Platinum: “Commercial Center”

Commercial Center Draft, subject to change in the future

This category of NFT looks like a commercial plaza with NAMA financial services in the central and other buildings around it.

Holders of this category of NFT will be able to gain commissions and rewards as a NAMA Platinum Channel Partner, for all the transactions with their reference.
More info is yet to come on this.

Holders of this category of NFT will be able to join NAMA DAO can govern the future of the NAMA Protocol.

Holders of this category of NFT will enjoy at least a 50% APY for their lockup period.

You have to stake 100,000 NAMA tokens with 6 months lockup followed by 12 months liner release to be eligible to mint this class of NFT for free.

Max supply 1,000 NFTs in this category.

Class Business: MYSTERY!!! (Special edition for LP providers)

This is a MYSTERY one! Only for those who provide liquidity in the DEX!

Holders of this category of NFT will be able to join NAMA DAO can govern the future of the NAMA Protocol.

Holders of this category of NFT will enjoy at least 60% APY for their lockup period of LP tokens.

You have to provide at least 600,000 NAMA tokens in the token pair in one of the liquidity pools created by Nama Protocol and staking the LP tokens to the corresponding stake pool and lockup 6 months lockup followed by 12 months liner release.

NAMA Listing NFT GIVEAWAY Campaign:

See you all there in the campaign 🏆🏆🏆

