Name Net Drive — Are You Using Social Media The Right Way???

Richie M.
Name Net Worth
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2017

For this epic episode of Name Net Drive, Jeremy Casey reveals how he used social media to generate massive interest in his house, which is currently for sale, and which also explains why this episode takes place right at the Casey residence. Before meeting with a few agents coming to take a look at this lovely home, Jeremy shares what is means to use social media correctly, by using the successful marketing of his open house as an example.

Seriously, use LIVE video!

Most people go online, like a few things, and share a picture of the pizza they had for lunch. These actions never come close to utilizing the full potential of social media. Likewise, most people get stuck in what Jeremy refers to as the “look at me I’m so cool cycle.” If you truly want to make the most of social media, ENGAGEMENT is key! Actually take the time to INTERACT with people via social media by posting live video, for example.

Video content is driving the internet right now on every single platform. Live streaming is hot as ever, and taking advantage of this option will only improve upon your presence. Whether you‘re on a personal account or a business account, the key to being successful online is simple — genuine content. This content should be geared toward fulfilling the need of the people watching, aim to help them, DO something for them, and watch your numbers grow!

Try something new

So the next time you go online, try something different. Avoid being sucked in to the “like/share” cycle then logging off. Instead, take the time to totally engage with others by posting great content of your own.


